Another 64D Community Game

Posted by Castypher on Nov. 14, 2011, 4:58 p.m.

Things fell out with 64Brawl, though I still have the source lying around. But it's not because I don't want to do it. It's because it requires a lot of spriting–a skill that I don't have. So I'm going to try another community game. That means, for you newbies, that 64Digits members star as the characters.

The genre? Fighters are overdone, I loathe platformers, and while I thought of doing an RPG (might do it eventually though), that also requires a lot of spriting. Instead, I'm going to baby you guys into shoot-em-ups, a genre I can do quite well, and it doesn't take a lot of spriting. In truth, it'll be some sort of hybrid.

How am I going to do that? Besides pacifist modes that dumb down the difficulty a bit, I plan on taking it a little further from the bullet hell subgenre so more of you find it playable.

I will officially begin grinding after finals week. Finals week is the first week of December. I have nine hours at work ahead of me, so I'll also get a lot done today.

So until then, it's your turn to do some work. First off, let's get a show of hands on people who would be interested to see themselves in a game. After all, we haven't had much of that since LOLOMGWTFBBQ, right? Look at it this way. Your enthusiasm will fuel my enthusiasm, helping me finish the game much sooner.

For the rest of this month (about two weeks now), I'll be taking requests as to who wants to be in the game. I need this done early so I can move to the planning stages sooner. However, here are the criteria:

Character Entry Criteria

- Only users who I (and a vote from others) deem active and/or well-known will have characters in the game.

- The character may be a representation of your alias, or it may be one that you made up.

- If you want to participate, you must supply me with said character.

- Users who request after December 1st are not guaranteed a spot.

- Further details will be fleshed out later. Among them, whether you are a playable or boss character, and what your attack patterns would be.

- Any entrants who have not supplied me with the required details before December 1st (can be extended a bit) may be dropped.

- Character bios are recommended. A little backstory is great, but make sure it's relevant.

- You will need to design the appearance. Either a picture or a detailed description will do.

- If you're a musician (and a boss character), you may also submit a track to serve as your theme.

Current Roster (Member - Character)

Ferret - ?

Cyrus - ?

Kamira - ?

Taizen Chisou - ?

Daggerhog - ?

Rob - ?

Qwilderwibben - ?

Stevenup - ?

Juurian - ?

MMORPGguy - ?

Rez - Phobos Fatboy

Purianite - Rhiannon/Amaira/Sayuri

Duckman - ?

Alert - ?

Moikle - ?

F1ak3r - ?

And no, I'm not joking. Going through the early planning stages right now.


Taizen Chisou 12 years, 11 months ago

Oh, no, I'm literally the character of Taizen Chisou.

From my game that I didn't post on here.

Details quite later.

Oh, do you need an engine for it?

Can I put one together?

Ferret 12 years, 11 months ago

Ok, just to clarify, you don't want people to just ask to be in it (like above), but give our character ideas?

I'll have to think about mine, and probably provide a picture…

BP Scraps 12 years, 11 months ago

What Ferret said.

Castypher 12 years, 11 months ago

I'll probably be putting together my own engine from the various projects I have. But I won't deny a little help. It'll make things go faster.

And as of right now, I'm not being picky about requests from active users. At this moment, I just want to get a show of hands. But I will eventually require that each member has some sort of character to represent him. Unlike Twisterghost, I won't be using template characters and palette swaps to represent everyone. I can't design characters for everyone; that's a lot of people. I'd rather dedicate my time to other things.

I will also only update the list with characters whom I have sufficient information for. Until then, it'll stay blank, or I'll come up with something to mark it as half finished.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 11 months ago

Instead of picking through the comment section, would you like us to PM "sufficient character information?"

Castypher 12 years, 11 months ago

PMs are advised. Either way, I don't mind going through the comments. I'll be keeping character data organized on my own computer, anyway.

And I can only imagine what Steven's character would be. Prismriver Sisters, anyone?

MMOnologueguy 12 years, 11 months ago

I can't think of any kind of way I could contribute, but if I could I totally would. Do I count as active or well known? Maybe if I do I could think of a character of some kind.

Rez 12 years, 11 months ago

I'll enter with Phobos Fatboy

JuurianChi 12 years, 11 months ago

Well crumbs.

What about meh?

I'm totes in for sure.

What do I do first?

Castypher 12 years, 11 months ago

MMORPG, you're good to go if you can think of a character.

And Juurian can be the sandbag from SSB.