64DCG - Setting and Theme

Posted by Castypher on Nov. 29, 2011, 4:08 p.m.

64DCG - DevBlog 2

Sup fellas. If you weren't turned off by that sketchblog, then let's continue the planning phase for 64DCG.

Today, my friends, I get a poll on the setting. So without further ado, the poll itself.


Internet - 2

64Digits Itself - 2


There's a good reason I put those before the explanation, particularly because I wanted them at the top.


Mostly the location, time period, etc that you would like to see the game set in. This can be futuristic, fantasy, modern, digital, in a certain country, etc. Be detailed in your suggestions.


The theme is separate from the setting, yet a part of it in ways. Think back to the 64Dare contest, and the themes we all voted for. Do something similar. This is a wide field, so be creative.

I will be using the one with the most votes. Be sure to vote. It helps me construct the plot and figure out where you as characters will fit in.

Also, on the topic of music tracks. The game isn't going to be composed of 100% original music unless I get some help or the consensus says so. So last time I asked you to come up with a track you'd like to be playing during your fight (provided you want to be a boss, and if not, disregard this). If you don't provide your preferences, I'll use some of my older tracks, compose something quick, or use something suitable to shmup gameplay. And knowing me, it'll probably be Touhou. So if you're not content with Touhou, you better submit something.

Music should fit into the soundtrack category. I'm not going to be a whore on copyrights, but songs with lyrics (unless they're your own), or songs that fall outside of game soundtracks will not be used. If you choose to submit, I will be picky as to whether or not it's appropriate for a shmup.

If you also want to vote on a style of music for the "64Digits Anthem", the title screen theme, feel free. I do want the game to have some original music.

Development has begun. Help further it along by providing your input, or you'll force me to wing it all.


LAR Games 12 years, 10 months ago

64DGC? What's that stand for?

Is it "64 Digits Game Competition"?

I hope it is. Those are great.

Toast 12 years, 10 months ago

The setting I vote for is the Internet. Only makes sense what with a team of 64d characters. Could include popular Internet references, and as you progress you journey into the deeper, darker reaches of the net (4chan, etc). Or it could be more general, more in line with a sort of digital setting. Or the setting could just be 64digits itself!

Theme… I'm… not sure I'll see what others come up with.

Amarin 12 years, 10 months ago

@Toast: I already said that and he said no. ;_;

Castypher 12 years, 10 months ago

I thought you were just trolling me. =|

Honestly I'm not sure of a way to do internet as a physical setting, so if you have suggestions, spam away.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 10 months ago

I would love to help out, of course.

I'm not sure if you would have it, though.

Considering I seem to be best at stage themes or something.

MMOnologueguy 12 years, 10 months ago

Quote: Toast
Or the setting could just be 64digits itself!
I like this one.

JuurianChi 12 years, 10 months ago

Theme: A grand Battle of sorts. Like Tekken but it's a shooter.

*cough*I vote that JuurianChi does some of the music.*cough* (Maybe not, I dunno. :cough:)

I also vote for internet.

The idea of doing battle while flying over a data stream is enticing.

Rolf_Soldaat 12 years, 10 months ago

Varying theme per stage, based off of the boss?

Castypher 12 years, 10 months ago

Taizen, I've said that you're a good composer, but I'm going for MP3 instead of MIDI here. So if you find a way to do MP3s, OGGs, or any higher quality format, feel free to send them to me.

Juurian, I'm going to be blunt here. That's not quite the style I'm looking for (if you were to compose for the whole game). Maybe I'll post something a bit later, and those who want to try their hand at composing can compare. My big requirement is that it should have an obvious melody to it. Those songs are memorable. Typical dance, dubstep, and those that fall into drawn-out beats meant for dancing tend to not be very memorable.

And by "theme", I meant something I can use to base the entire story on. Unless you're implying that each character gets their own little atmosphere (Rez's futuristic or twisted games for example), in which case that was kind of a given.

JuurianChi 12 years, 10 months ago



It's kinda hard for me to think of a good theme.