64DCG Planning Phase Over

Posted by Castypher on Dec. 1, 2011, 10:19 p.m.

Last blog's poll wasn't so popular, as the only votes were for the setting to be 64Digits or the internet, and nobody had any idea what to do for the theme. Aside from that, the votes were tied. Well I've done some thinking, and here's what I've come up with.

The setting will be 64Digits.

I've thrown out the theme, but I basically have a plot now. It's not the best, but it should suffice for a community game that I don't expect to be released anywhere else. Not even YYG.

So the plot, in a nutshell, is that the characters each of you have given me have basically been brought to life by some bug/virus/whatever you call it, and are born into a little havoc on the site, which they navigate in order to find members, both friend and foe, and other characters who have also been raised and may or may not take a different outlook.

It's a start, at least, and this will change for the better, as right now it's just an idea for me to get where the game is going to go.

Anyway, today is December 1st, and as promised, signups are now closed. If you think you're an active member or have contributed to the community in any way (obviously staff – that means you, Ferret), then you can still post or PM me for an entry any time.

For all you others, have no fear. Some 64Digits members will be appearing as "subsidiary" characters. They will not be playable, but they may appear as bosses or just make cameos. I'll also be taking characters from some of the more popular games, because I'm a little short, and would like to have thirty or so playable characters for some good variety.

And with all that being said, the planning phase has ended and development has officially begun. I won't be so open with the game. I'll post a few updates and such, but overall, I think the less I say, the better it'll be when you actually play it.

Now that you have the story, those who have already signed up can further refine their character.

Character Roster


ag-Bot (Alert Games)

JoAnna (Cyrus)

Alexia the Rabbit (Daggerhog)

The Duckman (Duckman)

Lyrah (JuurianChi)

Karemi (Kilin)

Zongra the Fallopian (Panzermancer)

Rhiannon (Purianite)

Phobos Fatboy (Rez)

Rolf (Rolf Soldaat)

Taizen Chisou (Taizen Chisou)

Bosses (some playable characters will also appear as bosses, but these are exclusive)

Chemical X (Sir Xemic)

Stevenup7002 (Stevenup7002)

Pink Flying Trollgoat (Rob)

Potfrog (Rez)

Still Undecided (get with me on characters or take what I give you)








Moikle 13 years, 3 months ago

But I didn't make Beemo…

Ferret 13 years, 3 months ago

that means you, Ferret

I just need to figure out what kind of character I want…

In game, are our characters going to be shooing from a ship or just flying in the air? In ships would be easier if we just made our ships and only showed characters when they talk.. but yeah, I just need to know if my character is flying in the air or not :P

Kunedon 13 years, 3 months ago

In game, are our characters going to be shooing from a ship or just flying in the air?
I'm betting that our characters will be flying in the air.

Castypher 13 years, 3 months ago

As opposed to flying in the water.

If your character is a pilot, he'll be in a ship. Other than that, they fly because there are no physics on the internet.

Castypher 13 years, 3 months ago

You don't need magic when there is no logic, fool.