F4D - Judgment Day

Posted by Castypher on Jan. 10, 2012, 2:06 p.m.

So after all these extensions, the day of judgment has finally come. Here's a recap.


Judging begins today, and the first round will go for two days, giving you some time to play the games (stay on top of this please). Then on Thursday, the second round will begin, where the top five proceed for one last chance at first place.

For the first round, votes MUST be submitted via PM, with your top three favorite games. Try to take several things into account, including gameplay, innovation, and how well the game fits the theme. For the second round, everyone only gets one vote.

The results will be announced on Friday.

And without further ado, I give you the games. IF I MISSED ANYBODY, it is your job to let me know. Also, if you found lethal bugs that you'd like to fix, I'll allow you to replace the file you sent me.


Deep Freeze

by link2x101 and anthonyloprimo


Notes: The game is still in early stages, however it's still very much playable. Time constraints from the competition and my schoolwork (along with my partner's job) definitely posed a challenge when trying to make these things better

Epic Christmas

by Mega

Screenshots (1)


Eternal Winter: The Spirit Breaker

by Qwilderwibben


Notes: Press F1 for story.

Frozen Demo

by JID and Colseed


Notes: Controls: RMB to aim, LMB to shoot, Hold Shift to sprint.

Jared the Friendly Pumpkin - Christmas Edition

by Stevenup7002

Screenshots (1)


Kizuna: The Girl Who Saved Christmas

by Purianite

Screenshots (1 2)


Download - Modded Version with a D3D shader injection by TplusK with 2x FXAA

Notes: Backface culling may crap out randomly.

Ogres & Elves

by Iasper

Screenshots (1 2)


Notes: Graphics and music can be upgraded with ingame money. This is also a demo.


by Acid


Notes: Minor glitches throughout… :( I kinda broke it a little bit. But it's still playable.

Snowball Commander

by Unaligned

Screenshots (1 2)


Super Snowball Fighters

by DaggerHog

Screenshots (1 2)


Notes: Extract the files before playing. The game is complete, albeit with a crappy ending.

Surrounded With White

by sirXemic

Download 1 (without installer, needs redistributables

Download 2 (without installer, not sure if it works)

Notes: Download redistributables here. If the installer doesn't work, use redistributables. The physics in this game are awful (can climb up walls when crystal is underneath you) and make it boring pretty quick.

Made in XNA 4.0


by Flashback

Screenshots (1)


Notes: Runs on Android!

The Fall of Sarenta

by Kilin

Screenshots (1 2)


Notes: Not officially entering, but I put in the work, so I wanted to be among all of you. If you like the game, I'd like to hear, but all votes will be discarded.

Also, I ended up removing a boss and skimping on the final boss. While it makes me sad, I still think it turned out all right.

Bugs: A few people have found a bug on the crystal boss, where if you don't focus one crystal, you'll actually get an error that'll crash the game. So if you want to see the (in my opinion) cool ending, focus one crystal at a time. I've fixed it already but am too lazy to upload right now.


There you have it. Please follow the guidelines presented in the judging section.


There will be five finalists. Each finalist will receive a prize, but the final round of judging will be what decides who wins.


First Place

- Left 4 Dead 2

- $20 cash prize

- Showcase from Qwilderwibben (publicity!)

- Dungeon Defenders OR Terraria (you pick)

- The Polynomial

Second Place

- Left 4 Dead 2

- Terraria

- $15 cash prize

Third Place

- Left 4 Dead 2

- Terraria

- $10 cash prize

Fourth Place

- Left 4 Dead 2

- $5 cash prize

Fifth Place

- Reassuring pat on the back

- If any of the finalists own the games mentioned above, or refuse any of the prizes, this finalist has a chance at them (don't get your hopes up!).

Updated with Deep Freeze by link2x101 and anthonyloprimo


JID 12 years, 9 months ago

And is it possible to beat the floating guy in JID & Colseed's game?
Yes. I just didn't explain how to beat him at all.

What you have to do is lure him towards the gas tanks on the ground, then shoot them. Blowing him up.

You have to do this 3 times in order to kill him.

Also, with the flying peices of wood or whatever, you can shotgun them to destroy them.

We're going to keep working on this game, even after the comp is over.

We pretty much made most of the stuff in the demo in only about 4 or 5 hours.

colseed 12 years, 9 months ago


I noticed slow motion can make aiming kinda hard if you're not prepared for it though

and if you detonate one of the propane/gas tanks when the monster is too far away, then it's game over I guess :/

Could probably make it more forgiving in that respect I guess.

JID 12 years, 9 months ago

Yeah. I really wanted to fix that. But, I was almost out of time for the comp, and I had a class in like 10 minutes. :(

Toast 12 years, 9 months ago


Epic Christmas - Rabbits falling down holes

Eternal Winter - Circles

Frozen - Ohhhhh naaoawwoaooo itttttsssss aaaaa reeedddd thiinnng

Ogres and Elves - "Would you like to upgrade the graphics for 64 ogre teeth?"

Jared - Giving Stevenup the benifit of the doubt

Kizuna - N64-chique

Surrounded - da fuq

Snowball Commander - Me sucking

Persistence - Not persisting very well

Super snowball fighters - Dem Pesky Wabbits

Transition - installing stuff on my computer

Fall or Sarenta - Start of battle being like Final Fantasy. WHOOOOOOOOSH

flashback 12 years, 9 months ago

Pinned - I expect you to rig the contest for me now.

Acid 12 years, 9 months ago

Yeah… It almost was, but I ran out of time, it was 5 am… I felt bad and I had to get up at 7.

I can fix it, but that would be cheating. :(

It SHOULD be a part of the game, but it's not.

Kunedon 12 years, 9 months ago

Welp after playing the other entries my game looks like complete garbage.

Then again I started trying to polish it at around 4 AM so what could I do.

JID 12 years, 9 months ago

I actually enjoyed playing your game, DaggerHog. I kept playing until I beat it.

Acid 12 years, 9 months ago

I've played the first five games so far, and they're all awesome. I keep thinking about good things that stand out and thinking about saying them, but there are too many, and every game has them. ('cept stevenup cheated… lol but I liked both the Jared games, so don't get me wrong :P)

I'll make a blog when I finish all of the games.

Castypher 12 years, 9 months ago

I'm assuming that you were working on your game non-stop for a few weeks. Right?
I'd be damned if I had. I kept going on little spurts and taking longer breaks than I should have, so I needed the extension as much as the rest of you. I had a lot more planned that just didn't make it in there, and I'm glad I finally finished instead of stopping altogether like S4D.

Also, don't downplay yourselves. You all worked hard and I did test most of these games. You all have just as much of a right to be up there as anyone else, and every game had its strengths.

Also, if you can find the time, reviews would be great. There's probably nobody here who wouldn't like some attention for their hard work.