Lixim - Lixies Redesign + Music

Posted by Castypher on Feb. 27, 2012, 10:08 p.m.

I think this'll be a short one. But every time I say that, it turns out to be fucking long.

First order of business, I've been going through and creating a set of milestones I'd like to meet. They should help me pace and organize myself a bit. I'd post it, but it really doesn't matter. However, here's a quick summary of what I'd like to accomplish soon.

First off, using a lighting engine with modifications, I was going for a Terraria-styled lighting system (which is rather complex to emulate, but I was going for the "what's underground is darker" approach).

Also, emulating a sort of building mechanic. No, not like Minecraft or Terraria. Rather, like The Sims or something (you have a list of predefined items (walls, appliances) that you can place to your liking. The world would probably be free-build, as you decide whether to lock out the enemies, and thus yourself, or have places that serve as bases. There'd be a building limit, obviously, but I think it'd give more of that customization I'm trying to push.

Also, I'd like to allow for third-party development, like a genetics kit, which allows for custom-built breeds for those who want to take the time.

Anyway, the "redesign" is mostly in the Lixies' graphical art itself. As of now, they can be accurately described as smiling testicles born with shoes. I'd post concept art, but I'm fairly certain that those who are familiar with Lixies would be appalled, so let me list what I'm thinking and get some feedback.

Rather than basing them off of mammals like the Creatures franchise, I'm going to try something else. I've settled on birdlike creatures for now, though bound to the earth until an older age, always striving to reach an area in the sky.

For those familiar with Pokemon, take Hoothoot as a basic design for the younger stages, and I still have to work something out for the adult stages.

Feel free to suggest designs that enforce the "They're cute therefore I should be sad when they die, but they can sure help me fight if they want".

Well, as expected, this got longer than I thought, so I'll break here and post some music I've been working on for…pretty much today.

Consider it my would-be entry to the adventure-themed competition. I know I can't outdo Xemic, and, as of late, Mordi, but I sure had fun composing this. Originally it was for Lixim, particularly while exploring the vast world, but the percussion and combination of instruments ended up being less ambient than I'd have liked, and more telling a bit of a story.

It's not really equalized or touched up in any way. So take it easy if you want to criticize in that regard. Additionally, the melody isn't especially dynamic, but this song was designed with ambiance in mind, and, you know, ambient songs don't need to be melodious.

Tell me what you think.


Castypher 12 years, 7 months ago


Did I need pictures or something?

Rob 12 years, 7 months ago

Did I need pictures or something?

Yes, actually. We're all ADD.

Iasper 12 years, 7 months ago

I always imagined Lixies as cats before.

Castypher 12 years, 7 months ago

These are norns from Creatures.

Naturally with roots already in the best life sim of its kind, I'd like to avoid them looking like this.

firestormx 12 years, 7 months ago

Hey kabob kilin. I still didn't read your blog, but I literally clicked it, hit "end" to jump to the bottom, saw a picture, and read it. It was literally just coincidence that I read the first comment that said "do I need pictures or something".

That is also why I am commenting. Because I thought it was funny that I saw the picture, and that was the only reason I stopped to read anything.

Castypher 12 years, 7 months ago

The only sense that I could make of that was that you're a jackass, FSX. >=[


But a fucking jackass.

Though, I suppose pictures would be a good idea anyway. Next time.

firestormx 12 years, 7 months ago


You don't have to be so mean. :(

You know I would have read it if you were a girl. <3

Castypher 12 years, 7 months ago

The protagonist is a girl. That's close enough, right?



JuurianChi 12 years, 7 months ago

We need moar Females around here.