Writing is Good

Posted by Castypher on March 7, 2012, 11:14 p.m.

Here's a quick update. And I swear to god I'm being honest!


A little earlier this week, I started another novel that I occasionally mention, bringing my total to eight now. If anyone really cares, it's basically my take on Highlander (which I decided after I first devised the story), and it was originally inspired by an AMV of Mirai Nikki, of which I have seen one episode since (mindfuck!). Speaking of AMVs, the one about MLP won despite not being an anime OR a music video.

Additionally, for those who didn't catch it, I'm writing from the frustrating first-person viewpoint of a teen girl who gets her life torn to shreds. Yeah. Fuck happy endings. That's what I say.

I totally pressed Ctrl+S just now. Shows how long I've been in MS Word.

I just hit the 20,000 word mark, bringing the total now to 70 pages.

In case you guys were wondering, I've been a little (slightly) less active than I usually am, particularly in the IRC. I've also been quite irritable, and I can tell you right now that Purianite has gotten the full brunt of it. Funny thing is, I'm not frustrated. I'll make my deadline of April 3rd easy at this rate. Honestly I think I'm having trouble getting out of character, especially since I tore into Purianite after an interruption from writing a particularly action-filled scene.

I also had a lovely thing happen to me earlier where I was writing a scene and broke out into uncontrollable shivering. I could hardly type, because my hands were shaking so much.

As with every other novel of mine, I'll keep it secret except for the fair few who express interest. But then again, you're not my audience, 64D. =(

For the record, 25% in word count. That is all. Watch now as I use reverse psychology and say that this blog will get next to no comments, and it will actually be true.

If I bitch at you, I'm just acting and having trouble resuming my normal self! Don't take it personally. =>

Right now I am resuming being a girl. Carry on, 64D. Carry on.


Castypher 12 years, 7 months ago

Here goes then. I'd make another blog, but I think the activity feed's screwed up enough, and I'm not particularly hopeful of receiving much criticism either way, though it's always appreciated. Anyway. Ordered from least favorite to favorite. The other four are works in progress that need more planning.

4) VC (working title) - Fantasy

Typical "people get sucked into other world" with a greater focus on survival and less on the fantasy elements. The first book is focused on the mystery of the world, the enigmatic characters, and the dangerous ally they chose to accept. This story has been around in one form or another for ten years, and was my first novel, and is my longest one. Also the only one to be in a series, which, in total, is about four books.

Has recently been rewritten twice (at 600 pages) to capture elements that I performed poorly on, and is currently in the middle of its third rewrite.

3) Unnamed - Supernatural (Religious)

A boy wakes up in a place he never remembered being, only to find later that he is dead and this is the afterlife. There is no Heaven or Hell, only the selfish and greedy trying to redeem themselves by violently capturing and subduing them to feign "conversion". A rebel ream seeks to oppose these odds, but only gets overwhelmed by the many unknowns of the afterlife and its many planes of existence.

2) Curse of the Ascended (working title) - Modern Supernatural

The story I announced here. A teen girl had obtained an inhuman ability two years prior, only to find that she is not alone, and hundreds of others seek her life in order to come out on top as the last Ascended. Upon killing each other, their abilities are extended. Focused around emotion, deception, and confusion.

1) Terminys - Modern Fantasy

Having suffered the loss of his family to his power-hungry brother, who had been blessed with the opposite force, Aidan seeks revenge and redemption for his family. Befriending the predator race, the sylphia, and their predators, the hellbeasts, Aidan sets out on a long, lonely adventure to kill his brother, unknowing of just how much he may affect the world. For once these forces clash, destruction beyond any expectations will occur.

And as for the other four, they just fall into these genres:

VC2 and VC3 - a continuation of VC, where 2 is set in the world after a failed escape, and 3 is back at home. Both of these were very far along but have since been pending a rewrite to eliminate some of those worse cliches.

Thirty Days (working title) is an attempt at a supernatural mystery which inadvertently followed a little closer to Higurashi than I'd have liked, and is pending a rewrite.

Another unnamed story is another modern supernatural, set in a lonely town surrounded by nature. The main character, having been moved from family to family due to trouble she causes, ends up living with her aunt. Creatures from the surrounding area plot to kill the humans, with the exception of one that the protagonist finds dying in the snow.

Jesus, that was long. Hope that was enough though. Feel free to ask for further details on any you thought were all right.

OBELISK 12 years, 7 months ago

Zanelisk's avatar looks just like one of my characters.
Stan Lee? Is that you?