Final Word Count

Posted by Castypher on March 18, 2012, 3:18 p.m.

56,255. That's 202 pages for those who don't know that word counts are like the currency of writing.

My quota was anywhere between 70,000 and 80,000 (250-350 pages). I fell short. Far short. But what I have is good enough for the first draft. I'm giving it to a couple friends for the first round of editing, during which I'll abstain completely so I don't feel the need to make any changes. Those changes will be saved for the second round, when I decide what stays and what needs changing.

Overall the story turned out well, not perfect, but some parts were close to spot on. I was able to capture a good plot, some emotion, and one of my most well-written characters before the end of it, as well as an ending I'm more than satisfied with.

It's been an adventure. I set out to write a novel in a month, and completed it in two weeks instead. The rest of the semester is going to be long and lonely, since this was how I passed my time. But I guess I can go back to trudging through homework and maybe finishing the Sixty Fools competition.

I'm not really coming here to find people who care. But I wouldn't mind getting into the habit of sharing some of my accomplishments with the community I love. It's been great so far, and I feel like you guys have been a part of my progress. Even you, a programming community, have influenced me as a writer.

Thanks for giving me an excuse to blog.


LAR Games 12 years, 7 months ago

I usually prefer Science Fiction, but I occasionally enjoy a book with supernatural elements.

Castypher 12 years, 7 months ago

You can expect feedback on the first couple of pages, at least. <3
Read the first fifty and I'll be content enough.

firestormx 12 years, 7 months ago

50 pages equals like 2 hours of my time, damn you. >:(

F1ak3r 12 years, 7 months ago

I like Google Docs, but in order for me to be able to give out a link like that, I'd need a few things.

- Read-only for all but me (Docs has that)

- Ability to highlight items and comment on them (MS Word's review has this–used to tell where errors are, where additions should be made, etc)

- Ability to distinguish comments between users (MS Word also has this)
If I'm understanding you correctly, then GDocs has all of these things as well. The commenting system is really my favourite thing about it (GDocs comments are also much prettier than Word's).

Example doc I made (with comments open to the public). Just fiddle around in "Sharing" and set your docs to "Comment Only" for the public, or even to "Comment Only" for select Google accounts.

If you're going to hand it over to us for the second pass, GDocs is really the best way to go. No different versions of docs to reconcile, no downloading and uploading, etc…

Castypher 12 years, 7 months ago

I read my mom's first fifty in like half an hour and I don't even like that genre.

And well Cyrus, if you're serious, hit me up on Messenger, or even just text.

Hey, thanks F1ak3r. That's a functionality I wasn't aware of. I think, then, that I'll take up the offer after all. For anyone who's still interested after the first round, I'll give out the link later. You wouldn't have to read it all in one go, just if you have free time or something like that and want to help out a fellow 64Digiter.

For those who made the offer, I do appreciate it. It means something.

firestormx 12 years, 7 months ago

Make sure you let me know if you post the link, I'll read what I can.