The Twilight Realm - Kilin's 64RPG

Posted by Castypher on April 13, 2012, 12:25 a.m.

I don't really expect comments. Normally I like keeping things secret but I had some thoughts today that secret games don't do well because there should be at least a little hype. Or at least presence. So I'm just making my presence known, see?

Well I guess if everyone else is doing it, I'll go ahead and tell you all what I'm going to be wasting my entire summer on. That way when I go to 3rd grade in the fall, I can tell everyone I sat in front of the computer all summer.

Then I'll be popular!

Before, I was going to tackle this as a team. But due to some…complications, I've decided to go solo instead. Fortunately Cyrus has offered to pitch some help here and there, but knowing his school, I think he'll be too busy to give much.

I was debating whether to recycle some characters or just try something new altogether. I've chosen the second, but due to the story, I think I'll have room to fit in old characters, and maybe some 64Digits icons as well.

In short, the game revolves around an alternate reality, the Twilight Realm. The vast majority, if not all, of the game takes place in this dimension where normal laws don't apply. People who are dragged here are here for a reason, and are prepared for harvesting by the Twilight Realm's home race, the Duskflight. The Twilight Realm connects several worlds in layers, and much of it is made up of its own world, the Plane.

I'm not really going to go into detail, partly because I'm still working those details out, but I guess I'm just happy that even though all of you got a week's head start, I'm at least not going to be starting after the competition does.

I guess all that's left to address is the (hopeful) open-world gameplay and action combat. For those of you familiar with Terminys, I'll be using mechanics a little similar to what's in there.

Other than that, Lixim has been taking up much of my time. Since I haven't released a demo yet, I won't bother with the updates. But I will say that the game uses a nice little lighting engine and will be a massive (for GM) world that lives and breathes while you play. Testing limits in GM, proving well enough so far. But I'd like to port this to Unity, because I see potential in it that forces me to look away from GM. My problem is the 3D dependency. Any modelers?

I also received the results for the first draft critique of my novel. I'll be going through and doing some painful editing rounds. But all in all, the feedback I received was generally good. I don't have to change entire concepts.

Annnnd very soon here (we were scheduled for Sunday but before that we were supposed to start on the first), I'll be doing another "novel in a month", much like the last was (though it only took two weeks). That will take up some of my development time, but I see writing to be an important part of me that justifies taking a break from a competition.

To my opponents, I look forward to playing your quality games. Good luck.


Kunedon 12 years, 6 months ago

I seem to be the only one who's making a more linear RPG. :(

And this sounds pretty cool.


Amarin 12 years, 6 months ago

Solo? What happened?

LAR Games 12 years, 6 months ago

Every time I see the word twilight, I feel happy, then sad.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 6 months ago

To my opponents, I look forward to playing your quality games. Good luck.



Castypher 12 years, 6 months ago

I was iffy on using the word too, LAR. But there's a certain feel I'd like to push and the word kind of fit.

Rez 12 years, 6 months ago

Every time I see the word twilight, I feel happy, then sad.

Every time I pee, I feel a burning sensation, then relief.