A Rat Blog

Posted by Castypher on April 16, 2012, 2:10 p.m.

Seleney might enjoy this one. And I might post pictures later but I have to go take a final soon, and this just gave me a good laugh. Besides, I'm looking for one of the rats anyway.

So my sister has two pet rats. One she had for a couple months longer, but decided to get the other to keep it company, since rats are pretty social creatures. But for those of you who didn't know, they're hella smart. I think rats and crows are the two most underestimated animals in terms of intelligence. Might have something to do with their associations with filth and garbage.

But I digress.

So these two rats live in a little glass box. And they're always trying to get out. Ingrates. I seriously think they do it because they're bored, because when they do escape, they never go far.

Suggest a different cage? Nonsense! The first one managed to undo the latch himself.

Well, we keep weights and stuff on top of their cage. That doesn't really stop them. They jump against the roof endlessly and end up knocking stuff around. Yes, we do use duct tape, too. But their persistent thrashing eventually loosens that up. Not to mention that we're not really around much, so we don't really have much of a chance to replace these things.

So last night, they both got out, and we spent hours searching for them. Both my sister and I were pretty sure they were going to die of starvation or something.


Somehow, they got into her dresser and climbed up to the top drawer.

…Where they made a fucking base.

Starvation? I don't fucking think so!

Both of them apparently stayed together the entire time. All I can say is that the clothes were moved out of the way, and there was a mountain of food in there. That explains why their food bag was practically empty. And they had taken loose bits that they found (like food from an open snack bag in her room), and furthermore, dog food. I don't know what was going through their heads besides "Fuck these guys, we got this."

So yeah, we found them. Then I took them out this morning to give them a little stretching room, but one of them slipped through my fingers, hid under a bureau, and escaped after that.

I'll go take my final when I find that fucker.

But he'll return.

He knows where the food comes from.


Castypher 12 years, 6 months ago

Thanks for the +1s, slaves.

Zhiko 12 years, 6 months ago

We can't help it, everyone on the planet is a sucker for animals.

Except FSX, but he doesn't count because he's from the moon.

flashback 12 years, 6 months ago

(It is because FSX is from the Moon)

firestormx 12 years, 6 months ago

Animals make life much better actually. Maybe they are the family that craps on you, but they are also the family never calls you names or gossips about how bad the rest of the family is. You just have to find the right animal, that's all. You firestorm, I donno…. how are you with potted plants?

What Rob said. Really, your life must suck. The only people who call me names are doing it out of affection, or because I deserve it. And the only gossiping they do is good gossip.

So nyah.

At least the humans I know (except for a girl, but she doesn't count, 'cause she's a girl) don't rip up my books and clothing. And I haven't encountered anyone yet (other than that guy I picked up off the street corner) who will piss on me after I fed it from my own hands! The humans I know (except for all girls) don't make cute faces at me and then run away when I try to touch them. The humans I know (except for everyone) don't hold back their love and affection for me, as I pour myself into taking care of them. The humans I know…Are non-existant.

The humans I know would get angrier at me if I mutilated and skinned a cat alive, than if I went to Afghanistan and killed a civilian with an artillery shell from a kilometre away. I hate people, and all their flaws. Animals do not make things better.

This all sounds a lot darker than I meant it to. =/

Seleney 12 years, 6 months ago

The only people who call me names are doing it out of affection
I never said the name calling was malignant. Nor did i specify whether the gossip was good or bad. Nor do all animals tear things up, piss on you, or run away.

The humans I know would get angrier at me if I mutilated and skinned a cat alive, than if I went to Afghanistan and killed a civilian with an artillery shell from a kilometre away.
Actually I'd be more angry about the human; I have my priorities straight. (please don't attempt either to test it out; you would be labeled either a psycho or a terrorist and neither is convenient to one working with people or computers)

And why, above all else did your response have to turn sexist? I mean, come on, you don't know what type of girl I am; I could be the type to run away and then make cute faces. Honestly, you should at least get to know me first before you label me as a girl.

Also, potted plants do none of the above, just sayen.

Castypher 12 years, 6 months ago

After seeing Seleney's comment, at first I was like:

"Not sure if serious."

And then upon finishing it, I was like:

"Jolly good show, chaps!"

firestormx 12 years, 6 months ago

I'm sorry for the response turning sexist. You're right, a girl might decide to run away first and THEN make a cute face.

I apologize, and hope that you can forgive me.

Potted plants just up-'n-die on you though. They require sunlight and water, and I do not ever let sunlight into my room, and any water I put into a cup, goes into my mouth, onto a cut I accidentally gave myself while yanking harddrives out of my computer, or onto the ground, when I spill it.

Castypher 12 years, 6 months ago

FSX is like the only person I ever give +1s anymore. And I want to spam it.

Seleney 12 years, 6 months ago

"Jolly good show, chaps!"
is this the equivalent of a +1 because you only actually use +1 on firestorm?

Potted plants just up-'n-die on you though
It must be lonely with no potted plants, people, animals, or girls to talk to. You know. if you try sharing food, water,or sunlight with any of the above you might make a friend and find you enjoy it.

Also, everything, including your computer and server (i'm sure you have noted) can up and die on you. That is why there is life.

p.s. sorry if I keep this convo. going for too long, It's been a long couple of days and the banter is cheering me up a bit ^_^

Castypher 12 years, 6 months ago

is this the equivalent of a +1 because you only actually use +1 on firestorm?
It is the equivalent to a +5!

I'll give you a +1 if you must have it.