So remember when I asked for a recommendation on which game to finish, and Lixim got a lot of answers, and I just plodded away for a little while and said nothing about it?
Well this is what I've been working on.
This is the new lighting system.
This is the diary. You should be referencing it a lot early on, as it mostly acts as a means of tutorials. Later though, you can add your own entries, styled however you wish.
This is the Revitalizer, which effectively changes the game's difficulty. It's a power-hungry device that revives you when you die, but the more power it uses, the fewer pieces of machinery are available. Turning it off results in a permanent death.
This is the probe in use. It allows you to detach your screen and analyze objects.
The probe has the ability to build structures. Not yet implemented. Here you can also see the day/night system in effect.
Tutorial signs. Cutting the flowers might be hazardous to your heath.
Yeah. ANYWAYSince I was doing this on another computer, my fonts weren't saved and stuff. But I'll have you know I'm not just sitting idly by. Always doing something with this game, whether direct work or conceptualizing.
However, I do need a graphics artist of some kind. I need someone who can:
a) Sprite and animate characters and creatures
b) Create diverse tilesets (not the square-based one I have here)
c) Create a large amount of background and foreground art
It's really one or another. And as far as backgrounds go, I don't care if it's pixel art (though that would be intense!) or sketch art. I'm debating on doing Terraria-styled backgrounds, where the background fades as you change biomes, or a Creatures-styled background, where every inch of the entire world has its own unique imagery.
I want this game to be immersive, and that's something I simply can't do with my art skills. If there is any artist interested, I would be deeply appreciative, even if they can only pitch in a small effort.
Agreed with Cyrus, I'm not a big fan of the horribly blocky and liney cave graphics (ditto for the surface).
Then again, if it was up to me, I'd use the NES palette and the day/night system would work by displaying "WHAT A HORRIBLE NIGHT TO HAVE A CURSE".Cesque, you didn't read the text. >=[
I read it, I just disregarded it because my complaint / Cyrus' suggestion is valid anyway :P
He pitched that to me before, and I was planning to change it. It's just that right now, graphics aren't a straight up priority. It's a gameplay game after all.
You see, that's why I was asking for an artist, so I can forget about graphics and go do something else.It's really hard to tell of much, but it looks good nonetheless?
I'm assuming there's combat somewhere :V