Hi guys, it's Mother's Day

Posted by Castypher on May 13, 2012, 9:46 p.m.

For lulz, this blog will be uncensored and I will never press the backspace key.

Today for Mother's day I went out for sushi at Kobe. We did teppanuakio at a grill. It was fun because there were a lot of people rather than the few that were there last time we went. Something about opening an ew site. Anyway, I hat doms sake there. Not very much. But for those of tyou who don't know, sake is rice wine. There fore it wastes like wine.

After that we ent to a bar and I got Long Island iced tea, which I hear is pretty popuilar. They didn't say that thing had like 50$% alcohol content, so after a quarter of it, I waas already feeling numb. And now I'm home, a little more siber but I still can't see, her, or type straight and according to some people I'm really funy when I'm tpsy. And I didn't even have that much to drink. I fel like I should be ashaped of getting so tipsy after only one drink when I had three and a lalf on my hirbthay but whatever.

This blog exists because Purianite told me to make a diunk blog. It is a tribute to FSXK and I tried to get a drink out of a mencil cup (with a wire mesh) and lit a candle without seeing the wick. UI also thought Purianite was using the usertag in MSn.

This was gun guys let's do it again.

And RPG comp? Nonsense! I can't even see straight enough to dork on it.

br badder exploring


NeutralReiddHotel 12 years, 5 months ago

Maybe you should write a blog without once pressing the space key.

I wonder if 64D is still breakable like that.

JuurianChi 12 years, 5 months ago

LOL ?Stevenup^

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 5 months ago

You guys it shouldn't be that hard to freehand a blog and submit it without tpyos and NOT pressing the backspace button.

Castypher 12 years, 5 months ago

But when you're intoxicated, you make a lot MORE typos.

JuurianChi 12 years, 5 months ago

I usually cook at night, so on mother'd day.

My mom cooked. :P

She hates my cooking.

fenyxofshadows 12 years, 5 months ago

Since you're drunk enough, you should start turning your RPG into a shmup.