Leaving - Final RPG Update

Posted by Castypher on June 23, 2012, 3:13 p.m.

Originally I was just going to go all AWOL without notice, but then I decided that would be too much jackassery.

Anyway, it's my turn to take a break.

In short, I'm taking a leave of absence for about a month. That means no 64Digits and no Messenger. Those who wish to contact me for whatever reason may send an e-mail. But I found that 64Digits was little more than a distraction, and I have no need to be sitting around on Messenger when I have work to do. My focus has been shot lately, and the people I thought I could rely on refuse to pull through. Yet another classic case of "If you want something done, you have to do it yourself."

Essentially, this is an RPG update, because this is one of the main reasons I'm taking a break. For those of you who have been following my entry, I leave you with one last bit of news. No videos, no screenshots, just news.

- The level cap has been lowered from 50 to 20, and the experience gain has been adjusted accordingly

- The number of skills exclusive to each class has dropped from ten to six, in an effort to make things less situational and more fun

- I've dropped two of the original six stages, but added one more in its place

- The stages can be traversed in any order, save for the first and last. The story is dynamic and will adjust depending on your route

- There will be several crucial decisions that influence the outcome of your story. You will be able to save in multiple files should you decide to go back on your decision (like old GBA times, eh?)

If it continues to be a problem, I will end up dropping up to four of the eight classes. Working on the skill system has taken the majority of my time away from things that matter, like stage design and story.

Aside from that, graphics are actually going ridiculously smoothly, though it definitely isn't my strength.

And some fun facts for my competition…. Take it as you will.

My weak points are as follows:

- Graphics are average

- Animations are four frames

- Tile system means less awesome stage design

- Particle effects and effects in general are limited due to not being JakeX

- I am easily distracted and am currently busy with many, many other things

- I'm not a level or enemy designer

The edges I feel I have here are:

- I'm very strict with my music, and while it may not be top quality, I never settle for less than catchy

- Compared to the entries I've seen, I'm quite proud of my fast-paced combat system

- Being a writer, I'm confident in my story

- The bosses feel meaningful and all have their own tracks

If anyone took that as an insult spree or ego trip, you can fuck off, because I encourage everyone to at least think about their strengths and weaknesses. If anything is important to you, you should always seek to improve. Likewise, you should know your strengths and keep your motivation.

And now, 64Digits, I'll see you when the competition ends. I'll hang around this blog for a little while longer, but it's time to get down and dirty and I've learned that weeding out distractions is a necessary means of focusing.


JuurianChi 12 years, 4 months ago

Everything about this blog is educational.

If anyone took that as an insult spree or ego trip
They can kiss the pavement of their way out.

Hope it works out for you, I think that visiting 64Digits, Tumblr, and my own places makes me more productive then when I don't visit.

Toast 12 years, 4 months ago

I'm taking a leave of absence for about a month
But next week is "say loads of really mean things about Kilin" week. You're going to miss it.

JuurianChi 12 years, 4 months ago

I'm taking a leave of absence for about a month
But July is national hot girls on the internet month and we have a bunch heading over here.

firestormx 12 years, 4 months ago

I'm so insulted, you fucking egotistical jackass. How dare you leave me. </3

JuurianChi 12 years, 4 months ago

I should note that when the hot girls arrive that I'm in charge of the "well being" of the group.

Kilin was to be backup.

That said, I hope he never comes back. <3

Cyrus used his transforming powers…again.

firestormx 12 years, 4 months ago

Wait, what did Cyrus do?

Also, Cyrus, you can have him. What a douche bag. Didn't even bother to come back and leave me a "good bye" comment or anything.

DesertFox 12 years, 3 months ago

Nuu kilin dunt leave :(

JuurianChi 12 years, 3 months ago

I'm sorry for saying I hope you never come back, Kilin.

firestormx 12 years, 3 months ago

I've noticed a trend lately, where it seems like Juurian forgets he's already commented on something, and comes back to post as though he's never posted in the blog before…Often times stating something that contradicts himself in previous comments.

Rez 12 years, 3 months ago

fuck you, kilin.

fuck you.