You Kidding Me, GM?

Posted by Castypher on July 22, 2012, 4:27 p.m.

So two things.

First off, I'm going to be taking another leave of absence. At this point, I'm so ridiculously far off track that I don't even know if I'm going to be able to finish anymore. If worse comes to worst, I'll have to join the people cutting things off and slapping the word "DEMO" on it.

This simply is not an option for me, because I've put so much time and conviction into this.

So in short, I'm going to stay away from 64Digits, from Messenger, and from Terraria again, this time for about a week and a half. Terraria won't be neglected though. I understand that running a server requires responsibilities. My brothers and Cyrus will be my messengers. I might promote someone to take care of the simple commands that might need to be done, but that shouldn't really be an issue. What I'm really worried about is if the server goes down, in which case I'll still be on it.

Second item of worth is how fucking stupid GM is, and how it's got ridiculously stupid bugs that hang me up. Remember how we were talking about the big drawbacks of programming Here's another. Your development environment handles things like a little bitch. Or, bugs whose cause is absolutely unrelated.

I have two examples of this, both of which happened during very important competitions. The first is how Game Maker will suddenly stop calling create events. I still don't know why it does this, but this is a bug I mostly saw in GM7.

The second is this:

I use FMOD for my music.

I use a variable to determine player experience.

I use an object to animate water tiles based on the tile present.

I have a tree sprite that is chosen at random upon creation.

What do these have in common?


I was calling instance_deactivate_object in the water effect. My bad for having it being called more than once, even though that was for testing only (I later put this into a separate object and forgot to remove the testing code).

So in other words:

Leaving that one piece of code in forced FMOD to duplicate its music without leaving a trace as to how to get rid of it.

Leaving that one piece of code in set player experience to obscene values.

Leaving that one piece of code in broke all the trees.


Anyway, it's time for another goodbye. I'll see you guys sometime down the road, and hopefully with a complete game. If not, I've failed, and that's just not acceptable for me.


Mordi 12 years, 3 months ago

1. Ditch GM.

2. Download Visual C++ 2010 and SFML.

3. Read up on

4. Get bitches.

Castypher 12 years, 3 months ago

I knew someone would do this.

I chose GM because it's the tool I'm most experienced with, and in all other cases has been the fastest to develop in. Unity was my alternative but I dropped that idea because of development speed. Trust me, if I'd chosen anything else, I wouldn't have seen my game get this far.

Cpsgames 12 years, 3 months ago

C#/XNA is really nice to work in. I switched to XNA from GM because I already had a strong knowledge of C#, and I'm loving it. :3

Harrk 12 years, 3 months ago

To explain your 2nd issue: When you executed instance_deactive_object, the 2nd execution onwards would have been non-existent/deactivated instances right? So it just takes the object with the lowest instance ID and causes other unexplained mumbo-jumbo stuff.

It's happened to me before too and it was so bloody hard to trace.

I also had a problem with my save/load system that took me weeks to trace. Turned out I was reading a value as a real instead of a string and the damage it caused was totally unrelated (I forget what exactly though)

Good luck anyway, looking forward to playing your masterpiece. :D

Polystyrene Man 12 years, 3 months ago

GM bugs are the worst, especially when you use GM4Mac, which is essentially unsupported.

My big issue is that room_last returns 13… when I have 21 rooms.

Alert Games 12 years, 3 months ago

I still think that GM is the easiest to make games in, but when it comes down to it, you are going to want to develop in C#/XNA or something similar once you get used to the steeper learning curve.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 3 months ago

The first is how Game Maker will suddenly stop calling create events
god i fucking hated this

KaBob799 12 years, 3 months ago

That create event issue is the worst thing ever, luckily its only happened to me once.