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I felt I had to share this. Now, it might be typical to give praise to the DKC games, but I grew up on these and have nothing but fond memories. However, the one that stood out to me the most was DKC2, with its dark themes and unforgettable music. The sole composer, Dave Wise, is one of my role models even today.If you haven't played these games, shame on you.I guess I'll just list my favorites, ordered from least to most.The Music of Donkey Kong Country 2
8. Lockjaw's Saga - Ship Hold
I like the mood this presented, but some of my fondest memories are from racing the lava timer in the second ship hold stage.7. Mining Melancholy - Mine Theme
The mine levels in DKC2 were some of the hardest for me, because they required a lot of vertical platforming and a single slip could result in you falling back to the beginning of the level. A good example of Dave Wise's tendency to use atmospheric sound effects.6. Bayou Boogie - Swamp Theme
I hated the swamp levels, and the music always made me feel so lonely. I loved how the insect sounds play into the percussion.5. Stickerbrush Symphony - Bramble Theme
Fuck these levels. All of them were assholes.This is a really typical pick, and pretty much everyone sticks it at the top of their DKC tracks and really high in their favorite tracks of all times. Honestly I feel it's a little overrated, though even the composer listed it as his favorite composition. It's less ambient than most of his tracks, but there's some melancholy aspect that's impossible to forget.4. Crocodile Cacophony - Final Boss Theme
As a kid, I found the final boss fight to be amazingly difficult, and the poison gas clouds section scared the shit out of me. Back then I always thought this guy was King K. Rool's brother. Actually, I thought that up until about a year ago. I love the industrial feel of the track.3. Donkey Kong Rescued - Credits Theme
You know, I never really respected this piece until recently. But as I think back, this gives me a certain feel, like…. You've accomplished something big but there's a whole world out there waiting for you, and your adventure's only begun. It's got a great quest feel that suits the pirate theme of the game.2. Krook's March - Castle Theme
Ohhh, such fond memories of this one. Not only did Toxic Tower give me nightmares, but these stages just screamed that you were near the end of the game, and their difficulty only reinforced it.1. Forest Interlude - Haunted Forest Theme
Another highly rated piece and typical pick, but this one just gets me every time. It fits the stages so well, the percussion is absolutely beautiful, and the mood it gives off puts you right there in the scenery. By far my favorite piece in the game. This is what I think of when I remember DKC2.I've got such nostalgia for the old DKC games, back when Rare was just before its prime, and definitely the time period where some of the best franchises started coming out. The music only makes it even better, and I can honestly say that I haven't heard anything that really tops the combination of atmosphere and mood that Dave Wise has done. DKC2 easily has the best soundtrack out of any Rare game (though their music in general is quite memorable), and many would agree that it has one of the best soundtracks of all time.What happened to the
I've been more partial to the DKC3 soundtrack, because that was the DKC game I grew up with. Water World is easily my favorite song from that game.
And yes, David Wise was best composer. I have the same top song from DKC2 as you do.I think DKC2 was unfortunately the one I played the least, which is too bad:/ I was always waiting for a GBA port to make it easier to have access to.
I haven't played any of the DK games, but I do like their music. It seems like game companies have become more uppity about who composes what and as a result we end up with like a total of 12 or 15 absurdly well-known composers (Yoko, Nobuo, Shoji Meguro, Shogo Sakai, etc.) and all the up-and-coming ones get left in the dust.
[/bs]Better yet, what about…
Oh god yes! I hadn't heard this music in so long. Definite nostalgia trip. Now I need to go dust off the Supernintendo and play this again. My whole little kid life (I mean LITTLE little) consisted of this game, Sim City, StarFox, Mortal Kombat, and Jurassic Park which I have yet to beat…
Thank you so much for reminding me about this game. The soundtrack for this game was definitely my favorite growing up, so I'm pretty biased, but this arguably could be one of the best soundtracks of any Rare game…edited edit: I originally was going to be upset that you didn't have Cranky's theme or the Klubba theme because those are the tracks that I remember the most, but they're not as cool as the ones you listed.Nostalgiagasm~