The 64Digits List of Resources

Posted by Castypher on Oct. 19, 2012, 4:01 p.m.

I'm going out of town for the weekend on a…we'll say a writer's retreat! I'm entering NaNoWriMo (national novel writing month) in two weeks, and I need to solidify some ideas so I can stay engaged the entire time and come up with a new story to add to my ever-growing collection.

And before you ask, yes I have finished some. Three to be precise. But one is being entirely reworked, one is just in the editing phase, and the last is somewhere near the end of the editing phase. I abhor the day I try to find a publisher.

I'm so bad at limiting blogs to one topic.

Anyway, before I leave this weekend, I wanted to put together a quick list of people in various categories. These are the people you should consider if you're looking for a collaboration. I'm mostly paying attention to the artistic side though.

Feel free to suggest more people to add to the list. If I forgot you, just say so. If you don't want to be listed, you can say so as well.


Stevenup - Classical, Jazz, Folk, various genres

sirxemic - Electronica

Mega - Chiptunes

mr8bit - Retro (I don't know what it is really, but it's not chip)

Kilin - Orchestral hybrids, various genres

Art - In-Game

Rez - Abstract, semi-realistic cartoon

DSG - Animation


Art - Concept

Eva-unit - Realism, sci-fi

Cyrus - Unique cartoon style

3D Modeling




hel - Contemporary, fantasy

Kilin - Supernatural

Cyrus - Contemporary



Concept and Gameplay




Kunedon 12 years ago

Cool, a list of people I will never contact for my stuff because antisocial.

Ferret 12 years ago

Love and compassion! Everyone needs it!

Also, I can be good at other stuff, I just don't share very often :P

Iasper 12 years ago

I guess you can add me in the music section for pretty much any style although I'm nowhere as good as the others :)

panzercretin 12 years ago

I write essays on gameplay and concept - most people tear them to shreds in the end, but I feel like they're still valid ._.

But I don't really see why that's a category anyways. Most people here who do stuff in games homebrewed at some point, long enough to know their way around a solid Skinner Box game concept. I guess details are a different story, though. I can pull that off, even if I haven't the willpower to produce my more labyrinthine ideas to show it off to anyone.

panzercretin 12 years ago

It could be different if you're working on something really complex that can easily be broken by someone clever enough unless properly balanced, like Pokemon or something. So maybe for really intricate multiplayer stuff, but most definitely not singleplayer, unless it's really that balls-out complex.

MMOnologueguy 12 years ago

I'm a fairly prolific composer in the same way Apple is a prolific manufacturer.

I can do all kinds of art, including 3D. Just not very well.

I don't know if I'm necessarily good at storyism, but I excell at it in that I regularly bite off more story than I can generate actual game content for.

Concept and gameplay? If we're talking about conceptualizing gameplay, then no, I'm actually kind of terrible at this part. What little game I've made has essentially been a vehicle for stories and occasionally humor. If anyone finds themselves in this category then I hope they don't mind my repeated attempts to consult/spam them.

Toast 12 years ago

I demand to placed as the most reliable resource in each of the categories listed

sirxemic 12 years ago

I feel… forgotten :(

Thanks :D

Kamira 12 years ago

I guess you could throw me under story and concept/gameplay.

S3xySeele 12 years ago

I'm not talented in any of the above categories. Well, I'm decent at coming up with game concepts, but nobody's interested in being told what game to make.