Kilin's Completition Reviews - Part 1

Posted by Castypher on July 20, 2013, 1:07 a.m.


I was very confused to see that you didn't just add polish and new levels to an already functional game. You really remade the entire thing from scratch. While the old game felt stable as a minigame, the rework seemed to bring a lot to the table, even though some of it felt a bit clunky, and the shortness of the game was a huge disappointment. =(

The ladder/stair climbing mechanics probably should be explained somewhere. It took me fifteen minutes over the course of three playthroughs and many dead people to discover that those weren't buggy jumpthrough platforms, you just had to hold up or down while approaching it. Since this is a mechanic you don't see often since the NES era (or ever since Kirby games seemed to popularize jump-through and fall-through platforms), it was a bit frustrating to try and figure it out.

The ladder felt weird and a little unnecessary sometimes. It actually frustrated me more than it helped, although I do remember one part where it was required. But for something you can keep picking up and placing, being used only once was kind of disappointing, because I think that could add quite a bit to the timed puzzle element. On that note, the inclusion of a hose and limiting fire extinguishers to temporary use was brilliant.

I feel like this is a far greater puzzle game than its original rendition, or at least has the potential to be. With a few more puzzle elements and a lot more levels, this would be one hell of a unique game.

Also, Aeron's music rocks.


When I said Polyman's screenshots made me feel like I was on drugs, the gameplay didn't disappoint. The vibrant colors were just icing on the cake. The gameplay itself, which wasn't completely captured in the screenshots, was an entire trip of its own. It's a very difficult game that I enjoyed trying to figure out on my own, and I was wondering how the difficulty might ramp up until I realized…

…that the points further from the center move faster than the rest. Fucking physics class all over again. I wish they tried to teach centripetal force with this game.

There were a few nasty bugs, however, including:

- Weird lighting issues when you got further along

- Some of the physics threw me around on the faster sections

- Due to the above point, I was thrown off and fell for ten minutes before quitting

- I could ride a single disc by slowly circling the edge

- Falling onto the lowest disc actually got me "higher" than climbing did, though I didn't end up actually reaching the top this way

I wonder if there's a possibility of expanding this game beyond the ferris wheel though, because while it stands as a difficult minigame, there's not a whole lot to do aside from that. Still, props for the Unity entry. That was very well polished.

Magical Castle

It's funny. People look at Daggerhog's games and are like "lolgraphics", but they turn out to be very popular and quite fun. In fact, no 8-bit game has brought me back to the NES and arcade days like this game did. Everything from the one-hit-death to the inter-stage screen to the stage designs to the passwords to the ability to continue at the cost of score to the level design and stage gimmicks to the goddamn DIFFICULTY. I had way more fun with this game than I thought I would.

And I'm still trying to fucking finish it.

I wish I did a Let's Play of this game so you guys could see how angry I was getting while never being able to just fucking quit. The level JADE is what gave me a lot of trouble for some reason. That's my name. That's my fucking name. Well actually JAED is my fucking name but I'm sure it doesn't make any difference.

The element-based gameplay was excellent and difficult to master for some reason. I really liked how using the wrong element could actually make things worse, rather than just doing nothing the whole game. Also, as Cesque said, the death animations were fucking awesome. Daggerhog's games have this certain level of cartoon morbidity that reminds me a lot of Crash Bandicoot. I was actually trying so hard to die to certain enemies just to see the animation.

…And attempting to do so was just as frustrating as trying to clear the goddamn level. In fact, it was easier to clear the goddamn level when I was trying to die.

The things I didn't like were mostly the control scheme. Everything seemed entirely backwards. Z is kind of an active key, so using it for switching while using C for the casting felt really backwards. Using X for jumping was weird as well, and I think it would have been easier using the up arrow. The controls are actually part of what made this game hard, next to the enemy unpredictability.

Man, I have to take a break from this game.

Blob: Invasion

Okay, first of all, the screenshots made this game look excellent, just saying. The graphical style, though simple, looked pretty cool, though despite the blatantly obvious grid, I didn't expect grid-based platforming at all. In fact, when Cesque commented on it, I was sitting here wondering how the hell it could possibly work. I was pleasantly surprised, actually, even though while it felt fluid, it seemed to make the gameplay very quirky.

The gimmick (being able to grow and shrink at will) was actually pretty cool and would've made for some unique gameplay. However, most of that gameplay was used for fitting in tight places or jumping higher than usual. I was also angry to see I couldn't goomba-stomp enemies, instead having to rely on an annoying shot which, for a main weapon, really sucked. Regardless, I didn't think the game was that hard, though the graphics and grow/shrink mechanic don't feel like enough to make an entire game.

I'll get to the other games a bit later.


Castypher 11 years, 3 months ago

Ah, right, forgot to specifically address the questions:


How was performance?

It ran very well, though I'm playing on a higher end computer, so that's not saying too much.

Could you reach the top?

Sadly no. I played for quite a while too but the tiniest mistake sent me falling and missing platforms. I did try it the cheap way, which included falling and riding a single disc up. I do hope that gets fixed somehow. I'll be honest, I wasn't able to really experience the powerups because coins weren't my priority because of how difficult they were to acquire. Due to the friction (which was a great addition to difficulty), gathering coins on a small disc felt far more dangerous than helpful. And getting back to the shop was a challenge as well.

Blob: Invasion

Is the game too hard?

Not really. The only part that got me was the bombing, because of the timer element. Good job on that, by the way. But the rest of the game really needs a bit more to do in order to fairly judge difficulty. It was way too easy to just skip enemies and hit the end of the stage. Though, some of the collisions felt kind of random. Sometimes enemies wouldn't deal damage and other times they'd hit you like five times in rapid succession.

Does the story make sense?

The story is…. Well, it's not much of a story. Then again, I didn't expect a story with a bunch of blobs. I just kind of expected them to go off and do their own thing. Though, I was left wondering what the weird fog was.

Should health packs be added in?

Perhaps, if you step up the difficulty somehow or at least make some fights mandatory.

Magical Castle

This had no questions, but I just wanted to say you win for having the most adorably frustrating game so far.

Oh, and fuck you.

Cesque 11 years, 3 months ago

The ladder/stair climbing mechanics probably should be explained somewhere. It took me fifteen minutes over the course of three playthroughs and many dead people to discover that those weren't buggy jumpthrough platforms, you just had to hold up or down while approaching it. Since this is a mechanic you don't see often since the NES era (or ever since Kirby games seemed to popularize jump-through and fall-through platforms), it was a bit frustrating to try and figure it out.

Does no one play Castlevania these days? It'll be the first thing to get explained in the tutorial, though.

The ladder felt weird and a little unnecessary sometimes. It actually frustrated me more than it helped, although I do remember one part where it was required.

Any particular reasons for ladders feeling weird? Other than the fact that they're slightly buggy (and the speed of climbing them will be adjusted to their angle).

And yeah, there were no levels to actually show ladders off properly.

On that note, the inclusion of a hose and limiting fire extinguishers to temporary use was brilliant.

I actually hate the hose because it's pretty useless puzzle-wise, on the long run… I'm planning to replace it with one that you need to connect to hydrants to work.

Extinguishers aren't temporary (that's the placebo effect), they're just weaker :p

Pirate-rob 11 years, 3 months ago

Going to add goomba stomp right noa!

Also, gonna make enemies hurt no matter what they're doing and yeah story wise, it's just there to be there.

Edit: Hehe, before this post I was actually tempted to give up cause my game seemed to be inherently flawed ^^' Thanks

Castypher 11 years, 3 months ago

Cesque, please stop yelling, you'll wake the baby.

I think part of the weirdness with the ladder was the mock physics on its falling, and probably how I expected it to bounce or something once it hit the ground. It probably can't be helped, and I can't think of any working alternatives, so it's not a big deal.

The other thing was actually what you mentioned about climbing speed.

Does no one play Castlevania these days? It'll be the first thing to get explained in the tutorial, though.
For someone who was inspired by such a game, I haven't actually played it, no. But if it's a mechanic specific to a few games, you may want to make note of it anyway. I can't remember what you did in the original Firebug, but maybe I just didn't catch on this time around.

I thought the idea of the host versus fire extinguishers was cool, but it's true the hose had no practical use. I probably put out two fires with the hose, but damn did it feel good to use. As for the fire extinguishers, that was the assumption. I didn't try experimenting because of how fast the stage expected me to finish.

I wonder if you can increase the hose's range, and maybe allow it to open doors/windows? That might make it a little more useful. Or the fire hydrant idea. Though I can't visualize that as well right now.

Kunedon 11 years, 3 months ago

they turn out to be very popular and quite fun.
What alternate dimension do you live in where my games are popular and fun?

The things I didn't like were mostly the control scheme.
Any suggestions to how the controls should be mapped? Maybe Z and C swap spells and X casts it or something?

As for how it's currently mapped, I've sorta got used to the X jumps C attacks control scheme that I first started using on emulators. Z just sorta sat there unused most of the time. Made me forget that Z and X are the standards.

If I do make Up the jump key, then looks like I won't need the player to hold Down as well to jump down platforms. But then that'd screw with the Thunder spell's aiming.

Hmmmm…Major modifications might have to be in order here.

I just wanted to say you win for having the most adorably frustrating game so far.
Why thank y-

Oh, and fuck you.

Cesque 11 years, 3 months ago

@Kilin: Thanks, I'm fixing the ladders right now.

There may still be some minor bugs.

Polystyrene Man 11 years, 3 months ago

Thanks, Kilin. Suggestions were all good.

I would also like to see a bigger version of the game, but I (we?) might have to settle for a sequel somewhere down the line because my partner and I are trying to pump games out quickly.

Castypher 11 years, 3 months ago

What alternate dimension do you live in where my games are popular and fun?
I dunno man. AtR and your F4D entry had some surprising popularity. It's like this old-school vibe your games give off that make people nostalgic. It's really refreshing.

Any suggestions to how the controls should be mapped? Maybe Z and C swap spells and X casts it or something?
Like I said, I would use the up arrow for jumping (even though I was against it for the longest time), the Z key for casting, and the X key for swapping. With only three spells to cycle through, there's no need for a left/right swapping system unless you decide to add more, in which case I'd revisit the controls again.

If I do make Up the jump key, then looks like I won't need the player to hold Down as well to jump down platforms. But then that'd screw with the Thunder spell's aiming.
Ah, I see what you mean. I didn't even know you could jump down through platforms. I do have to say though that your platform engine feels very fluid.

because my partner and I are trying to pump games out quickly.
Actually, I'm glad to see this, and I should probably follow the same philosophy instead of struggling with one game for a long time. I think that's a good way to start, really, and I think Abysmal will actually be a solid game as it is.