Completition and 64DCG Stuff

Posted by Castypher on July 29, 2013, 4:10 p.m.

Hello all. I'm glad to have set aside the past two weeks to dedicate to playtesting and feedback. Some of the results were very good and I can see a few people felt genuinely grateful for the advice and can now zero in on their issues and finish their games. However, not everyone has received very much feedback, or given their share. I'll be keeping a close eye on this so please continue giving feedback as necessary.

I myself have only received detailed feedback from two people and while I'm aware TTR is a daunting game in many regards (and also the longest of the bunch), I'd like a little advice here and there, if you would.

Honorable mentions go out to hel, Cosine, and Polystyrene Man, who, after playing all of the entries, seem to have the most complete games. Additional mentions go out to those who dared to play and review all of the games, especially Cesque who somehow manages to find bugs in everything.


Just in case you weren't working on your games during the feedback period (I wasn't), the development part of the Completition resumes today. I hope that you'll all finish critical items brought up in feedback as well as focusing on debugging and polishing, though I know many of us are struggling to continue the level design, which is equally important. Just don't lose sight of the important things. It's better to have a short, well-polished game than a long, very buggy one (I'm looking at you, TTR).

The official deadline is still being decided as IUP has another bundle being sold at around the same date. However, I have confirmed an extension of as much as three weeks past the original deadline of August 12th.

I didn't want the Completition to last this long initially, but I am very happy with these results and I really hope that the extra time will help you out.

As usual, I'm available for any questions.


Last week, I released a signup sheet for 64DCG characters. You're still free to add to this list (and I've made some extra columns for you to look at). There are also two additional sheets for minions and cameo characters, which you're free to add entries to as well.

Please remember that while I will make every effort to include your characters as you want them, I will be making modifications as needed to suit the story.

Cyrus, Seleney, and myself have all been trying to decide on a plot and how the characters fit in. I think we've come to an agreement, and Cyrus is handling all the animation work while I'm focusing on the engine and story consistency. Things are going well but remember that I'm not actually going to switch my focus to 64DCG until the Completition is over, but that won't stop me from working on it a little.

If you have any questions, comments, or preferences on the 64DCG, you are free to message me, Cyrus, Mega, or Seleney as the people primarily involved in development. I hope to post some devlogs in it soon.


Castypher 11 years, 7 months ago

An addendum to the previous comment:

Once the sale is over, the bundle will not reappear on IndieBundle or IUP. What happens to the bundle itself is up for discussion, but the fate of the individual games will be up to you. However, there will be a month's waiting period following the sale in which you can't post your game. This is because buyers would feel like they just spent money for something that was going to be free anyway. Please respect this decision. A month's wait isn't asking very much at all.

In terms of trailer length, I'd imagine it just has to capture the gameplay somehow, and could be as short as thirty seconds. In fact, trailers in general should be a minute or less in order to hold attention, so you don't have to do too much to it. But if you can get someone else to record footage for you while you edit the video, I think that would work out nicely.

I was a bit concerned about you posting Maiko Fuse to 64Digits. I'll allow it to stay up until maybe a week or two before the deadline. Hopefully you'll have made changes by then that are large enough to warrant a new release. You can repost to 64Digits in October.

On an unrelated note, I wonder if we'll be having Scary Four this year. The Completition might end just in time to give us a bit of a rest before getting right back to work. Though I think I'd revisit an old game idea rather than trying something new.

JuurianChi 11 years, 7 months ago

I was just thinking of Scary Four Digits.