64Digits 2014 Completition

Posted by Castypher on Feb. 24, 2014, 11:14 a.m. 🔒


I've actually had quite a few people approach me about this, asking if we were going to have a Completition this year. The answer depends wholly on how many people are interested.

For those who don't remember, the Completition is a friendly, non-competitive event where entrants take one of their unfinished game ideas (or start a new one, if they dare), and try to see it to completion within a few months. Last year's turnout was actually quite good, and we finished with six very good, complete games, a few of which saw success beyond the event, such as Cesque's Fire Point.

This is a great time to get together and work on something, as well as show off your abilities to the rest of the site.

Due to the unsuccessful attempt last year to bundle with IUP, I won't make such a promise this year, and any prizes allocated are purely icing on the cake. I know this was a driving factor for a lot of people, but after seeing the success some of the entrants had, I'd highly recommend those who finish their games to post to alternate sites, such as GameJolt.

This event won't start until June, so you have a lot of time to prepare, or even start a new game for the purpose. I'm just posting this to see how many people are still interested.

Just remember that if you are interested in entering, it's usually better to focus on a smaller game, such as a minigame or puzzle game, as those are far easier to finish than a full RPG or story-driven action game.


Ferret 11 years ago


Powerful Kyurem 11 years ago

I think its a competition to finish your game… Then again, maybe its just an event?

Castypher 11 years ago

I feel like I should post this here.

This blog is a "feelers" blog, where I'm aiming to see how many people would be interested in a Completition this year. It will happen at some undecided time during the summer, and WILL NOT clash with Acid's upcoming competition.

Basically, I'm trying to decide whether or not this event is worth hosting and preparing for. Last time we had twenty entrants and six who finished. I want to see if we can get comparable numbers this year. Don't get too excited, we still have a few months to go.

Powerful Kyurem 11 years ago

Well, you can definitely sign me up. I can't guarantee a finished game, but it will at least make me feel more accountable.

colseed 11 years ago

No, the fact that there's two competitions being organized simultaneously when we can barely get enough turnout for one.
seeing as games made but not quite finished for the first competition can be recycled for this second compo, they kind of overlap

but the fact that they're scheduled to take place in different timeframes means that the sets of participants might not be the same - i.e. I can't participate in Acid's compo because it's smack in the middle of the semester and I have two game projects due at the end of said semester already, but I might be able to do the summer one because lolwhatinternship

plus I'd honestly rather be hearing about this earlier rather than later so I can plan for it yo

(tl;dr games can be reused, participant sets may be mildly disjoint, and planning is good for mental health*)

* sometimes

Ferret 11 years ago

Yeah I was confused as well since i saw this before acid's (sorry) but I don't think I could actually work on something until this semester ends like colseed (that cutie pie)

Powerful Kyurem 11 years ago

These don't even seem like competitions. One seems like a general event for polishing up/finishing games, and another is a jam. It actually makes sense as colseed pointed out, Jam Games can be used in the event this summer.

Ferret 11 years ago

Pretty sure they are both jams, but which one is strawberry?

Powerful Kyurem 11 years ago

Neither are Strawberry. One is blueberry, and the other is raspberry.

Acid 11 years ago

It makes me feel kind of bad that I have a bunch of stuff drawn out, and everybody is confused as to whether or not it's a competition when I have a huge banner across the blog. :(