It's Charlie, Guys.

Posted by Charlie Carlo on May 6, 2012, 8:16 p.m.

Hey, I'm Charlie Carlo; you've never heard of me.

I told Tubes (I believe you blokes know him as Taizen) that I wouldn't be joining this site. Obviously, that changed. After quite a bit of lurking, and playing a couple games, and realizing there's actually some pretty cool people on here, I decided I might as well join.

I apologize if I'm ever rude or offensive. I try to be respectful to people unless they give me reason otherwise, but I have a tendency to not be very PC. I can't help it.

You may know that I'm working with Tubey (Taizen {I'm going to keep calling him Tubey}) in the RPG4D competition, I'm doing graphics. I like doing graphics. I couldn't help but see the user Toast's constructive criticism of my character sprites. I got to work on it right away, and I think you'll be quite happy with these changes:

I think it adds a whole new level of character to each of them; they're like my children.

Anyways. I'm also currently working on a game that involves lasers and aliens, which, in my opinion, is the best kind of game, barring horror. Here's a screenshot of nothing happening:

I'm not too great with level-design, and I code with D&D in GM7, but I try to make my games as best as I can. That being said, my previous games are horrible. Here's hoping this aliens and lasers one won't be.

So yeah, that's all I have to say. I rambled a bit because apparently blogs need to stretch the input box. There's no preview button, so chances are this is riddled with errors or I put the images in wrong.

I look forward to… well just stuff… on this site.



Kunedon 12 years, 10 months ago

Quote: Taizen Chisou
So, how come the change of heart?

[quote=Charlie the Unicorn Carlo]After quite a bit of lurking, and playing a couple games, and realizing there's actually some pretty cool people on here, I decided I might as well join.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 10 months ago

Well, yeah, I read that.

Does that mean I get another referral badge? :3

Kunedon 12 years, 10 months ago

No, because you used a cat emote.


JuurianChi 12 years, 10 months ago

Do you have a cute sister named Lola?

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 10 months ago

Dear Ferret,

Add the 1/16 chance that Juurian isn't posting nonsense as a footnote to the standard welcome wagon.

<3 Taizen

Toast 12 years, 10 months ago


glad to see you took what I said on board

Zac1790 12 years, 10 months ago

You were one of the first people I started following on Tumblr