All-Night Rave

Posted by Charlie Carlo on May 8, 2012, 10:39 p.m.

Wherein raving is synonymous with spriting.

So I haven't gotten Jack Schitt done for the RPG4D entry aside from all of one character's animations. I've been playing video games and hanging out with my friends, and having birthday things to do, and all that jazz. So I flipped a Jefferson Buffalo, as I do when I'm indecisive, and Jeff won, requesting that I stay up all night and tomorrow and sprite.

It's going to be awesome staying awake and drinking an unhealthy amount of coffee. I'll probably be staying up until a reasonable time to sleep tomorrow.

All of Vector's (Yeah, I came up with the name before RE:ORC came out, and I'm not changing it, but you can still tell me about it if you want to salt the wound.) animations are going to get totally annihilated. Everything after that I'll have made while half asleep, so they'll all get trashed.

If I have any hallucinations, I'll take photos of them and post them up here.

Here's hoping that that's physically possible, because it'd be so dam cool.

Aw yeah.

Also, I feel as though I should include an obligatory picture, so people have something to look at.

Update Log:

Day 1 (2 hours in)

- This second cup of coffee questions my conviction. I told it to shut up. I've finished an idle sprite and laid down the foundations of making a running animation. 6 frames; shaken, not stirred.

Day 2 (4 hours in)

- Excursion to local Wawa to purchase coffee and iced tea was a success. I've run out of video game music and Super Mario remixes to listen to; switching to Sum 41. My attention span dwindled and I tried adding CSS to my profile, only to remember that I don't know CSS. My right elbow no longer seems capable of extending beyond 160 degrees. Only logical explanation is planned obsolescence.

Day 3 (6 hours in)

- Thinking about onion skinning made me hungry, so I went to get a bagel. I found the bagel bag, empty, put back away in the cabinet, who does that? I swore at my cat for rubbing up against my leg, my actions didn't seem to impact his decision to continue. The sun is rising. My head is throbbing, it's getting harder to focus.

Day 4 (8 hours in)

- I can feel my usually-limited faculties fading away to nothingness. I'm arguing with myself in my mind over semantics. The quality of each consecutive frame shows the tell-tale sign of fatigue. I lost about an hour due to staring at the man in Toast's avatar in fear. Tylenol only dulls the pain.

Day 5 (10 hours in)

- These sprites no longer resemble the characters I designed. I had an idea for the running animation for Brenna: instead of six frames, I could make her turn into a snail and only need to make two frames. Still trying to decide if it's the best idea I've ever had, or if it's the best idea I've ever had. I made a new friend. His name is Alphonse, he's made of shadowcarrots and he promised he'd never leave me.

Day 6 (12 hours in)

- Vector fell off the back of the wagon and broke his ankle. The bags under my eyes have become suitcases. Morale is low. Alphonse has a plan to make it so I never have to sleep again. I love him.

Day 7 (14 hours in)

- The gnomish invasion of the left side of my desk left more casualties than originally anticipated. Alphonse told me to defend the ramparts, so that's what I'm doing. I can't honestly say that I believe I'll make it through this alive. With captain Lou dead, the crew is falling apart.

Day 8 (16 hours in)

- They checked my eyebags at the gate. I took the first flight to Los Angeles. I never thought I'd see Moira again. The four years I spent in that hole have alienated me from this modern world. Children laugh with joy at disgruntled avians, but I don't see the attraction. I haven't seen Alphonse since we were separated; I hope he's alright.

Day 9 (18 hours in)

- I know why the caged bird sings. Alphonse is alive and well, he brought me the silver coin, a reminder of the business we used to run. The president held a reunion, the man in Toast's avatar was there, I didn't know what to say to him. In vino veritas.

Edit: I'm going to sleep. I'm going to eat a whole bunch of chocolate; I hear it causes nightmares. It seems a fitting end to this fiasco.


LAR Games 12 years, 10 months ago

Whoooo! Rave!! Whoo…

Oh, not that kind of rave huh….

I'll let myself out.

Rob 12 years, 10 months ago

Quote: Glen
I was expecting a post about a club when I saw "raving".