Cool Stuffs.

Posted by Charlie Carlo on Aug. 29, 2012, 9:28 p.m.

So I haven't made a proper blog in forever so I figured I should give it a whirl, it could potentially be long so I'll be providing helpful subject titles.

Take notes, there's a quiz later.

Ludum Dare

As I'm sure you know, Ludum Dare 24 was last weekend. I was super excited the entire time because I'd never done it before. I did a bunch of chores for extra money (my current primary source of income) to buy food/drinks for the weekend and fell asleep strategically at a time when I could wake up fully rested with an hour to spare before the competition start.

At first, I was extremely disappointed with the theme, but whatever, I stuck with it. I didn't know what I was going to make, at first, then I decided I might as well do what I do best; make lots of graphics of weird creatures. The game I made is essentially just that.

I started out listening to an iTunes playlist I made specifically for Ludum Dare, consisting of an awesome mix of psychedelic music, punk rock, video game remixes, metal, the half-life 2 soundtrack, and 80's pop music. After listening to it once or twice I hopped over to the Teamspeak channel and chatted it up with SpectreNectar and Pirate-rob.

As soon as I laid my head down to take a six hour rest, my friend called me on my cell, telling me he was outside, and insisting I come smoke a cigarette with him. He had impeccable timing. When I woke up I was so disoriented but I got straight back into things. By the end, I was too tired to focus on making the things I wanted to make, and time was running out. In the end I only made sixteen different player creatures and two different enemies and one boss. Originally I was planning nineteen, six, and three, respectively.

Credence Filter

The game is coming along alright. I finally updated the lighting engine to have support for tiles. Although, it seems this system makes it incredibly difficult to implement any kind of new visual. I guess I'll just have to keep at it.

I don't want to spoil too much, but the story is basically this: The main character, Tohm Shlcszark, is just some regular dude in his thirties working at a fast food restaurant. He has no kind of pride left, having no friends, and working under a seventeen-year-old manager. He is contacted by aliens, who inform him that the fate of the entire galaxy depends on him.

CLICHE-TASTIC, I know, but the actual reason for the galaxy being in danger and what he has to do to save it is decently creative. These days, most overall plot ideas have been done before, so the creativity lies in the details, but as I said, I don't want to spoil too much.

Cool Discoveries

Randomly Googling shit for preemptive S4D research, I stumbled across this amazing looking game project that's been going on for about two years.

It's called Tower 22, and it looks like the greatest eater of gpu horror game ever devised.

The video is from two years ago, before they had actual artists working on it. From what I can tell, it's an indie horror game with an emphasis on story and exploration. It looks brilliantly beautiful, and personally, I'm really excited for it and I hope it doesn't fail.

Another thing I found was this neat game on Steam called They Bleed Pixels. It's on sale right now, and I'm sure some of you have seen it already, but it looks pretty spiffy. Spiffy enough to drop $8 for.

Unfortunately, I don't have $8 right now. So if someone happens to pick this up, let me know how it is.

That's all I got, for this blog.

I accidentally hit enter from the title form, hopefully this blog isn't posted twice.


JuurianChi 12 years, 1 month ago

I'm thinking about trying for an Art degree since my heart isn't really in Programming and I"m more interested in my own business than having a degree so I can be guaranteed a shitty job.

They Bleed Pixels looks super badass. Must buy when I get the chance.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 1 month ago

Who says people ever need to make 'proper' blogs, because I sure don't :V

And another thing, in what way and for what reason is Mr. Schlcszark the chosen one?

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 1 month ago

Basically Humanity was created on Earth to serve as a race of prison guards.

And biologically, he's the warden.

He possesses abilities that Humanity was created to have but have receded over time. That ability is access to a vast network of energies of other creatures/humans with the ability. A sort of psychic communion with things alive or dead or otherwise.

Essentially, he's a medium.

Visor 12 years, 1 month ago

I like the art style of your game. It looks very professional.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 1 month ago

It looks very professional.
aasdffa sjngaskmfsa

You know my games are the in the first video and screen shot, not the last video.

Visor 12 years, 1 month ago

Yep that's what I was looking at ;)

You silly old goat you.t

You are no longer a goat.