Charlie's Brain, Dig?

Posted by Charlie Carlo on Oct. 2, 2012, 11:41 p.m.

I thought I'd share with you all what I do in my community college classes.

The one's that aren't drawing class, specifically.

Here are my notes, taken straight from my notebook:

A bunch a' Credence Filter cyborg concepts.

Don't forget good old Tohm Shlcszark, in all his rushed anatomy.

I'm not sure what this thing is, it looks like a monster made of a human circulatory system.

Some dude with a sniper rifle, looking like a right boss.

I decided to draw a random squiggle and somehow incorporate it into a drawing. The squiggle in question is the top-left line of the beak.

Not sure what this is either, could make a cool tattoo if you're a Satanist or something, though.

Some kinda thing, maybe.

NSFW, maybe. I don't really know which vague, human concepts are threatening to the peace of mind of grannies the world over. As a rule of thumb, if it's meant to be a human, and there's skin that isn't covering phalanges or a skull, then it's NSFW.

This guy and his cryptic banter have made a few appearances; here's the better ones.

So yeah. I'm going $10,000 in debt to become better at drawing, not learn all about the Royal Standard of Ur, so I'm going to fucking draw in my classes, and not learn about the Royal Standard of Ur.

In other news, I'm going to attempt to quit smoking, for financial reasons, since my family is in a bit of a fiscal pickle. I'll tack a log of how that's going on this blog. So, if you're a psychology major, or just bored, check back here for updates concerning withdrawal and how much fun it is. I bet I'll last two hours.




1hr - Could really use a cigarette, but I don't have any. Plus it's 1am, and I should probably sleep. I'm gonna go to bed, that'll buy me a good 8 to 12 hours.

12hrs - Just woke up, it was weird not going outside to smoke. I'm currently stuffing a plain bagel into my mouth and drinking coffee. I'm having a hard time focusing and I can't tell what my body temperature is.

14hrs - Good news! I've already failed. I'll have to cut corners somewhere else. Maybe I could stop eating food.


JuurianChi 12 years, 4 months ago

Who wouldn't like the man with a Television head?

also, I like the circulator and the hidden image with the man wearing a tophat.

pounce4evur 12 years, 4 months ago

Your shading on all of these is just awesome.

mr8bit 12 years, 4 months ago

Can I say I like the giraffe?

I like the giraffe.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 4 months ago

Only thing bothering me is the leg-to-upper-body proportions on the two human guys with guns.
You see, my art style has been evolving to become more realistic and detailed, or at least farther away from cartoons, but that specific shape hasn't changed in my style. I should probably experiment with it. Thanks for pointing it out.

I like the giraffe.
I like it too.

BP Scraps 12 years, 4 months ago

You think I won't take over your mind? Just watch me.

mikemacdee 12 years, 4 months ago

dude you draw some of the coolest critters I ever seen. ;_;

Cesque 12 years, 4 months ago

You're really good at drawing hands.

Also, TV-men? I can make one obvious association.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 4 months ago

Thanks, Mickey Mikey Macdaddy

You're really good at drawing hands.
I have much more experience erasing them.

Also that obvious association: I know it, but I can't place it.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 4 months ago

It''s a Cactus game, Mondo Medicals.

svf 12 years, 4 months ago

I like art. And yours is up there! :D