Quit on gm assembler

Posted by Chaz on Sept. 14, 2008, 11:52 p.m.

It's simply the most insane Idea for me to keep working on this in gamemaker, it's far too limited and direct linear data structure manipulation(such as in C) are a necessity. So I'm writing it in C instead, check out my desktop at my deviant profile to see the project going at www.chazzeromus.deviantart.com .

I've also been working on Revolution, the OS I'm making. I'm trying to load up the kernel at the first megabyte of memory and I need to enable to A20 line on the 8042. So far, I really don't like copy/pasting code so I download a specification for the 8042 and trying to develop a way safely detect and enable A20 instead of using the crap given in that crap community OSdev.

When the assemblers done, I'll use it as a DLL instead. Hopefully, that will be as equally impressive.

So, that's what's been going on, that and me trying to mess with v-ray in 3dsmax. Trying to be an artist and a developer too.


SteveKB 16 years, 5 months ago

Um, gamemaker supports data structures but who cares learn C anyways.

Castypher 16 years, 5 months ago

Meow is right, Game Maker can use data structures, no problem. It's a matter of knowing how. <_<

C and C++ are some pretty powerful languages. Even if you're not focusing on them, I still recommend you learn them.

Nighthawk 16 years, 5 months ago

Good luck, I tried learning C twice. I'll probably try learning it again sometime though, when I'm willing to put more time into it.

Rusky 16 years, 5 months ago

instead of "learning c," _use_ c.

and good luck to the author.

Josea 16 years, 5 months ago

Game Maker has data structures. Since they are functions, they work as fast as compiled code, so they're good enough. There are even functions to save your data structures to a file (at least the grid structure), so it's quite handy.

So you're making an OS eh?

Why bother with that? You're better off trying to make something that can be sold and get you some bucks.

Um, gamemaker supports data structures but who cares learn C anyways.
Whoever says learn C is a dumbass. People have the absurd idea that knowing C makes you cool.

It doesn't.

Game Maker is a powerful tool. If you can't get enough juice from it for what you want, you're writing poor code, and you have to reevaluate what you have done, or what you want to do.

Be realistic.

Good luck, I tried learning C twice. I'll probably try learning it again sometime though, when I'm willing to put more time into it.
Huh, What?

That means you don't need C. When the time comes, if it comes, you will learn it well and do real stuff with it.

DesertFox 16 years, 5 months ago

Game Maker is a powerful tool. If you can't get enough juice from it for what you want, you're writing poor code, and you have to reevaluate what you have done, or what you want to do.

Umm WHAT? If you truly think that, something is wrong. Gamemaker is an extremely EXTREMELY limited tool. It is inefficient. It is slow. It cannot do even a tiny fraction of what C can do. You can do almost anything in C, provided you know your stuff. To get Gamemaker to do anything past its limited scope, you have to extend it, with… DLLs! Which are written in languages such as Delphi and C!

Josea 16 years, 5 months ago

Umm WHAT? If you truly think that, something is wrong. Gamemaker is an extremely EXTREMELY limited tool. It is inefficient. It is slow. It cannot do even a tiny fraction of what C can do. You can do almost anything in C, provided you know your stuff. To get Gamemaker to do anything past its limited scope, you have to extend it, with… DLLs! Which are written in languages such as Delphi and C!

Powerful depends on what you want to do. For normal fun games, what it is designed for, it is fantastic, for other complicated things (like this guy's assembler, judging by the title) he shouldn't have even considered Game Maker in the first place.

Tools are designed to be used within their limited scope, when you start using a hammer to write sentences you're doing something wrong. You can't build a skyscrapper with pencils, but you can write good essays with them.

I know that GM performs horribly compared to C, I've never claimed otherwise. What I have a problem with is that usually people try to make simple stuff in GM, but thanks to terrible coding they automatically dismiss GM and say they have to use C.

Evilish 16 years, 5 months ago

I moved my entire game project over from GM to C++, because it lagged like a piece of shit.

And all my game had was vector collisions, even if data structuress work as compiled code, calling them doesn't. My game running in pure C++ is a thousand times faster then my game running in GM giving using a dll for all collisions.

Yeah, thats right Chaz, we've sidetracked your blog.

DesertFox 16 years, 5 months ago

when you start using a hammer to write sentences you're doing something wrong

Exactly, only you seem to be mistaking a hammers for pencils. C is a much finer, more versatile tool than GM. For GM to do anything, you have to wield it like a bludgeon.

Josea 16 years, 5 months ago

C may be finer, but it takes its time to get how it works, while GM can do its stuff in a matter of some clicks.

C may be like a chisel, and GM a kilogram of C4. Both can be used to carve rocks, the first can produce beautiful sculptures, but if what you really want to do is make a big hole in no time, tell me what would you use.

We both agree that C is powerful, but I definitely can't agree with your idea of Game Maker being a worthless piece of crap.