Um, this cooked?

Posted by Chaz on Nov. 20, 2008, 6:07 p.m.

Today, when coming home from school, I was bestowed upon a rarely particular but exciting meal. Of course my mother cooks only food of the Vietnamese variety, she is not to be particularly successful in imitating any western dish. She attempted to cook Ravioli. Now, into my first bite, I knew something wasn't quite in place. Ravioli normally contains a substantial amount of beef and a runny amount of tomato sauce. Referring to her behavior of always assuming to be correct, she decided to use an attempted mixture of cheese and ketchup. Now this isn't the first time such a appalling mixture was used, but more than once was successful. As I recalled a compilation of chicken wings and legs was used in this mix and was not that intolerable. Compared to that, I think what I just ate(3 lbs of) was not the most prepared meal I've ever famished. However, the amount of beef was not in moderate abundance, nor was it the correct substance. I could only describe each Ravioli piece as incorrect in amount. The beef was in a paste like form and only amounted to just the fifth of the total of a usual beef stuffing. Not only that, but it's taste was far from close. I believe it was uncooked pasted chicken.

Well, hopefully the amount I ate won't greatly affect my body in anyway D:


SteveKB 16 years, 3 months ago

@stevenup7002 lolololol!

Chaz 16 years, 3 months ago

wat u tawk aboot ai tawk leik tawt all teh tiem!

F1ak3r 16 years, 3 months ago

Only problem is, it's superior in a way that says "trying too hard".

Chaz 16 years, 3 months ago

To you maybe, not to them.