Starting off

Posted by Coin3 on Feb. 19, 2008, 11:42 a.m.

I am Coin3, I am not known for much at the moment, but I am a member that can be trusted. I am normally known as a spriter.

I am pretty good, I suppose. I made this airplane for a game

called Goomba online, some of you might have heard of it.

I am only so good in game making though. I have pro version

of GM7, and have never completed a game. So I am going to

let people decide what I should make. Really, just comment

on what game you want that is not too hard to make and

I will decide if I want to make it. I might make you a sprite

if you need one too. I hope being here will help me on my journey of friends and game making.


Ronnica 16 years, 10 months ago

Welcome to 64D dude!

-From 1 of the only 2 ACTIVE girls on this site XD