
Posted by CoolGamrSms on Aug. 20, 2008, 1:06 p.m.

[13:44, PM] noob123321rox: um

[13:44, PM] noob123321rox: do u maik gaims???/

[13:44, PM] noob123321rox: wit gaim miaker??/

[13:45, PM] noob123321rox: cuz i hav a qestin

[13:45, PM] noob123321rox: about game maiker

[13:45, PM] MAHVICTIM: Hello..

[13:45, PM] noob123321rox: o gud u ther

[13:45, PM] MAHVICTIM: first of all how did you get my email adress?

[13:45, PM] noob123321rox: uhh

[13:46, PM] noob123321rox: one uv my frends sez u maik gaims

[13:46, PM] MAHVICTIM: …. okay…

[13:46, PM] MAHVICTIM: before you ask your question, did you look it up in the Help file or the YoYo forums?

[13:46, PM] noob123321rox: uhh

[13:47, PM] noob123321rox: wa?

[13:47, PM] MAHVICTIM: the little "?" icon in gamemaker?

[13:47, PM] noob123321rox: help?/

[13:47, PM] noob123321rox: o

[13:47, PM] noob123321rox: i uze d an d

[13:47, PM] MAHVICTIM: look for it, get some better grammar skills, and if you still don't succeed, give up.

[13:47, PM] noob123321rox: i dun kno how ta uze gml

[13:48, PM] noob123321rox: i trid

[13:48, PM] noob123321rox: but it didn werk

[13:48, PM] MAHVICTIM: what? grammar

[13:48, PM] noob123321rox: cen u help/

[13:48, PM] noob123321rox: i tried

[13:48, PM] noob123321rox: but it didn work

[13:48, PM] MAHVICTIM: okay, a bit better :P

[13:48, PM] MAHVICTIM: what didn't work?

[13:49, PM] noob123321rox: i need to maik sumfing

[13:49, PM] noob123321rox: fore a skool prahject

[13:49, PM] MAHVICTIM: I take it you're not native english?

[13:49, PM] noob123321rox: i am i just yung

[13:50, PM] noob123321rox: but i not sposed ta tel peeple dat

[13:50, PM] MAHVICTIM: okay..

[13:50, PM] noob123321rox: ok

[13:50, PM] noob123321rox: so i nede to make balls bounce

[13:50, PM] MAHVICTIM: using D&D?

[13:50, PM] noob123321rox: ya

[13:51, PM] noob123321rox: wel

[13:51, PM] noob123321rox: idk

[13:51, PM] MAHVICTIM: well what type of game is it?

[13:51, PM] noob123321rox: i nede to maik a gaim

[13:51, PM] MAHVICTIM: a platformer?

[13:51, PM] noob123321rox: platfurm

[13:51, PM] noob123321rox: ya

[13:51, PM] MAHVICTIM: can you make the ball know if it hits the ground?

[13:52, PM] noob123321rox: ya

[13:52, PM] noob123321rox: collizinz

[13:52, PM] noob123321rox: bud

[13:52, PM] noob123321rox: but*

[13:52, PM] noob123321rox: i nede to it bounce

[13:52, PM] noob123321rox: then wurds com up teh screne

[13:53, PM] MAHVICTIM: Do you have ANY idea how gamemaker works?

[13:53, PM] noob123321rox: cen u help/

[13:53, PM] noob123321rox: ya

[13:53, PM] noob123321rox: u maik gaims wit it

[13:53, PM] MAHVICTIM: Actually i never made any games with it.

[13:53, PM] noob123321rox: :o

[13:54, PM] MAHVICTIM: and anything you do needs a little bit more of your attention

[13:54, PM] MAHVICTIM: so try harder

[13:54, PM] noob123321rox: wel

[13:54, PM] MAHVICTIM: okay, do you know how to reverse the Y speed of the ball?

[13:54, PM] noob123321rox: i giv credets

[13:54, PM] noob123321rox: Okay, I can't do this anymore.

[13:54, PM] noob123321rox: It's too hard to drag this out realistically.

[13:55, PM] MAHVICTIM: Okay, so who the fuck are you? =))

I had to do this after what jaxx did eariler. (Pranked me about wanting to be a modeler for SS, my game, and I got kinda mad)

Anyways, it made me feel a bit better, so yeah. It was worth it. My victim even ended up laughing too, so it's all good.

(Here's the part where I sneak in a bit about how Scorching Strings is doing)

Scorching Strings is coming pretty good. Lately I've been redoing the site, and it's almost done I think, so it'll come out sometime soon. The game itself has a new menu on it's way. I've got some new artwork to post next blog, as well as some sneak peak screenies of the new menu. Anyways, yeah, this was just to make me feel better. I'm sorry it's so short, it's just that I didn't want him to waste a bunch of time making an example of something I already know how to do. ;)



Ross 16 years, 5 months ago

lol tagged

CoolGamrSms 16 years, 5 months ago


Jaxx 16 years, 5 months ago

That's fake, right?

CoolGamrSms 16 years, 5 months ago

No, actually it's not.

CoolGamrSms 16 years, 5 months ago


(He's the one who first called me that, it's not what it stands for btw)