[D] Domino Effect

Posted by Cosine on July 25, 2007, 3:13 p.m.

Well, Reflect is down. Crapple. This means that ST is also down. Double crapple. Well, I still have 64D left on my list of things to keep me not-bored.

I still haven't done much of anything on GM, but I did start a platform engine with gravity switching when you hit space (in debug menu only, of course.). I have found waaaay too many bugs with it, such as:

-No switching gravity while gravity is down and you are on a block and actually falling up.

-No moving left and right when gravity is up and you are on a block.

…Needless to say, it really sucks at working correctly. Wait, I think I might have just figured it out!

…Nope, didn't fix any problems. Dang.

Oh well. Now to go find something to do.


s 17 years, 6 months ago

Try make the system yourself,if you make it treat up and down the same then it shouldn't be effected by direction of gravity(besides falling direction)

Cosine 17 years, 6 months ago

Huh? Me no understands =(

s 17 years, 6 months ago

Basically,don't use GM supplied variables