It's been ages since I blogged last, so I decided to do so.
WEBRIDDLEI made a webriddle. To quote from the Nifflas Support Forums:
Yeah, I made a webriddle. Deal with it.Friddle with glorious hosting from Twisternet.Want to use Twisternet? Go to here.Twisternet is awesome C&C is appretiated! kthnx?
Opera… Good choice!FLASHBACK
Enforcing saying no to comic sans since 1967Yay
Been waiting in the 64Digits IRC channel for ages.marbs
He like, does stuff.OL
Smiling politely.Dilbertguy
Just begun to make a song with a really wierd idea in mind.Josea
Continuing combos because it is funDilbertguy
Listens to badly-remixed version of the Lemmings theme song. May also delete SY's combo breaker, but isn't sure. Whatever.Bryan
Beeing more awesome than you since you were born.