[D] Mission trip.

Posted by Cosine on June 22, 2008, 9:40 a.m.

Well, I'm headed off to Wisconsin to help poor people. I'll be gone a week. See ya then.

Now, because I don't want to get this tagged, I shall continue with ramblings. These ramblings (which I will now call rambles >_>) should be ignored by peoples whom wish to keep the same amount of brain cells they have right now.

Or not.

Anyways, I made a very usefull script I call draw_self(). Here's the code:


Qutie simple, but very useful for object which draw things, yet have a sprite that you want to keep visible.

Also, this is too true:

"It's easier to be an asshole to words than to people."

Anyways, that's it.


Kamira 16 years, 6 months ago

Weird, I left for Wisconsin either that day or the 23rd…