Been a while since I last made a blog here hasn't

Posted by Cosine on March 3, 2014, 7:22 p.m.

I started typing my blog into the title field on accident but I decided to just leave it because I'm lazy

What with everyone's music dumps, I figured I'd peek my head out from under the lurking curtain and take a dump too. I've only got one song to show, but I've also done a bunch of other stuff. ~Incoming media~

Remix of the Matthew Herbert Big Band that turned out pretty cool.

TF2 map of mine that's been in development for ~ages~ and is actually getting some playtesting from competitive players, called Quarry. I've probably posted bits of it here before.

I posted a map back in July 2013 called Aorta. I later did another 4 maps in the same sort of style and made a mappack called ENIGMA out of it. Here's some screenshots of the other maps.

I'm on the team behind Alive & Kicking, which is a mod dedicated to porting Portal into the Portal 2 engine and we totally got Greenlit! Here's some (very not official) screenshots of what I'm working on for it.

Another TF2 map that's half developed. This one's called Ashpipe.

Last but not least, I've been working on setting up a website. Partially for html/css/js practice, partially because I'm setting up a portfolio soon. I'm pretty happy with it, but I think I'm gonna move the nav bar up as a header instead of a sidebar.

I don't know how to end this blog so I guess I'll just put this sentence here instead


Cosine 10 years, 10 months ago

Free as can be.

aeron 10 years, 10 months ago

Bad ass map work, it all looks great! As for the portal remake, you went through greenlight for a free game? Did you still have to pay the fee to get it on greenlight in the first place?

Edit: the song is great stuff. Love the rhythmic details you added. It kinda reminds me of blockhead, minus the louder beats and bass. Keep it up!

Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

We know SOMEONE is headed towards professional level design. Good work, man.

Cosine 10 years, 10 months ago

@aeron - we did have to pay the Greenlight fee, unfortunately. Fortunately, it's a one time thing - if rHetorical ever releases another game, no fee.

@Acid - <3

NeutralReiddHotel 10 years, 10 months ago

level design (coming from someone that hasn't played either of those games and is just commenting on the atheistic level) looks solid!