Five Weeks

Posted by Cosine on May 12, 2015, 9:52 a.m.

…is how long I have until I hear from my university about whether or not I get into Architecture or not. I submitted my portfolio last friday, and they've told me that results should be coming back by June 17th.

Actually, I should probably back up a bit! The only thing I've mentioned of my college experience so far is that I drew some cool boxes. That was my first assignment, beginning the two semesters of design school that I just finished up less than a week ago.

This first year is what the school calls the "core" year, as it serves as the basis for all design stuff. Every design major takes this same first year, and then applies for their program. It's a pretty nice system, because it gets around people not having portfolios to show to the school right out of high school. I didn't think about pursuing architecture as a thing until probably the last semester of high school, and I had mostly been taking engineering classes up until then. I never took a single art class! That's not great if you want to put together a portfolio of your artistic work.

The only downside to this system is that, if you fail, you've essentially wasted a year of school. You can try again as many times as you want, but it costs you a full years tuition for every time you want to apply (I don't think they let anyone but full-time students apply, but I could be wrong). You can probably guess what I'm gonna be worried about for the next month and a bit!

Anyways, as a result of putting together my portfolio recently, I've collected a bunch of photos of my work. I'll end this blog with a few of them (click to enlarge):


Alert Games 9 years, 8 months ago

Cool bundle of sticks OP

Just kidding looks nice