How to write titles?
Writing has never been my strong suit, let alone writing a unique title.
Anyways, I have been getting into the swing of programming again. So I hopped in last minute into a Ludum dare mini competition. I had roughly 20 hours plus some sleeping time to get it done.Try …Inactive to inactive.
So I'm not becoming active here, but frankly I have nowhere else to post this crap and I'm bored. This is what blogging is for, so I've heard.
So I was at my college and these people come up to me, and invite me to some college party. I was …Linkology: Premise to a greater world
Upon immense fascination in the field of links, I've decided to dedicate my life to the study of hyperlinks, also known as Linkology. I understand it's a complex field, but I figure with a PhD in the field I would understandably be able to acquire a high-paying job fairly …
Base Jumping, Bass Playing, Bass Killing
Working on a crazy game idea my friend Ferret and I had. Bass jumping: a dude with a bass killing bass while base jumping.
I got 10 albums for 5 dollars. Most people would assume they would be terrible albums, as did I. Turns out, they'reDon't tag D:
This is not a short blog! Not like those other peeps.
By the way, happy Pi Day.Pi day is today. Pi is forever.I hope reading this blog doesn't become tedious. Anyhow, this guy is awesome. This song is pretty wicked, not to mention he has some funny …No
I'm looking to get a new desktop computer. My specs are outdated, so I'm looking for something modern, yet not too expensive. Once again (like I did with Adobe), suggestions? :DAnd to add content, and some random life story no one cares about: some guy fell asleep in …No
I'm looking to get a new desktop computer. My specs are outdated, so I'm looking for something modern, yet not too expensive. Once again (like I did with Adobe), suggestions? :DAnd to add content, and some random life story no one cares about: some guy fell asleep in …Help, I need somebody...
Not just anybody, but 64digits! Well, go figure, I've finally felt the urge to get Adobe Flash Professional, and/or PS…
Anyways, I was just looking for suggestions on places to get these. I don't mind getting CS3 (or a lower version, but CS4 would be nice too) as long as …Peeps like music right?
Well I recently acquired (purchased) a guitar, which was a significant step up from a cheap Epiphone that my friend gave me because he didn't need the junk. Anyways, here's a photo of my new Epiphone (if anyone cares…)! You can also see my nice electronic drum set, a stratocaster, …