Obese Ninja

Posted by Crane-ium on Jan. 21, 2010, 1:13 a.m.


Ferret and I just bought a website, figured we could use some suggestions for a temporary design that could help bring in traffic… or merely look nice. Either way, we'd appreciate any help and suggestions towards the future. And if anyone wants us to promote any sort of game or link to another website, I'm sure we could fit it in somewhere…

Alright, and I suppose I'll throw cop stories in here…

My friends and I go on a late night bagel-run (11:00 or so), and while two of my friends are in the store, I'm hanging outside with my pal. The cops show up, and ask us about this toy bow and arrow (it had a suction cup for Christ's sake). My friend says "it's only a toy," then the cop chews him out saying "I wasn't talking to you!" and threaten us with a curfew ticket if we don't leave. So logically we left… bagel-less.

On my second day of driving with my license, and being pretty new to the driving scene, I forgot to turn my lights on. I get pulled over and get a $300 dollar ticket and traffic school for a silly mistake that doesn't really need a ticket to teach a lesson, right? Bash me otherwise.

Then this time I'm in a parking lot, a cop comes up with the lights blazing, and blocks off my car and walks up to me… to ask me about my Prius and how I'm liking it since he's getting one.

And my hit counter fails currently, so care to help me out?


Scott_AW 15 years ago

I like how our government enjoys taking your money during a time of economic recession over mistakes.

Crane-ium 15 years ago

At least cops give us people to make fun of and vent anger.

And yes, we could really use help with graphics, since neither of us really are skilled with that. If you want to make us a banner (or anything else), we'd love you for it.

Thanks Ace02, although I regret to say that it was Ferret who made that.

Unaligned 15 years ago

The hit counter could say "My highscore is [HITS]" and link an URL to your website and your freakishly difficult little applet.

Ferret 15 years ago

freakishly difficult little applet.
I'm working on it…