I forgot this place even existed… AGAIN!
this is at least the 3rd, maybe the 4th freakin' time that I have done this.I highly doubt that any of you really remember me, cause I didn't really make any significant games or examples. I'm not very good at starting a project and continuing working on it. I haven't made a game in probably almost a year now.I'm not gonna say the whole "well I think that I'm gonna start a new project so I'll keep you guys posted", because on a scale from one to ten, the chances of me actually doing so are about two.Anyways I've been working alot on my spriting skills lately and have greatly improved. That is one thing I am planning on working on alot.Greatly addicted is certainly what I've been to a new online that I've dicovered. Rumble Fighter is the name of the game. It's generally an MMO but you have to make matches, and can ONLY PvP. it's hella sweet and is made by OG Planet. (I sound like an effin' commercial)Anyway, this is some sort pof status update which really isn't very interesting, but I felt bloggy, so w00t.-Dark
Welcome back?
Well then stop smoking le ganja.
^Oh, hey Quietus. A little hypocritical, are we?
Tonal Residue does it for medicinal purposes, Zane.
I knew that, Poly.
Yeah, I just wanted to call him Tonal Residue.
I remember you - you're one of Forbic's friends. Rumble Fighter owns - I play it… or played it, but my laptop doesn't boot anymore because it can't receive electricity (eep, needs to be fixed =O).