Gradebook - Excel 2007

Posted by DFortun81 on Aug. 16, 2010, 4:47 p.m.

It's been a while since I posted a blog, but most recently, I fell behind in my studies due to the amount of work my internship project turned out to be. (among other things)

In order to help myself catch up quickly, I through together an Excel 2007 spreadsheet for the course that I needed to catch up the most with, TCH301. I was very happy with how it turned out and ultimately decided to make one for each of my other courses.

Above: TCH301 - Course Sample

Most students at the university I attend have up to six courses per semester, so I created a separate document for a summary of those courses. Each individual course being in its own separate Excel Sheet within the document. (Row option at the bottom of a sheet to select a different sheet.)

I filled in the rest of the data into the other sheets for all of my courses and was extremely impressed with how it turned out. I even decided to give my teacher a copy of the document and now I'm posting it here so that anyone can use it. I know of at least 6 other people at the school that have asked for it within the past few hours and I only created it just a few nights ago.

Above: An example Semester Summary filled out with my Perfect grades!

Oh yes. Perfect grades indeed. Anyways, you may download the excel sheets via this text link: Gradebook Excel 2007. Included is the Gradebook Template itself, a sample Gradebook Document for reference in case you mess up the formulas or overwrite something important, a single Course Gradebook document, and a sample of that document as well.


Battlefield AI

I will be posting an updated version of the Battlefield AI in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!



DFortun81 14 years, 6 months ago

Added the GNU GPL tags at the bottom of each sheet to verify your ability to use them however you'd wish.

Kaz 14 years, 6 months ago

Pretty cool system. I have one similar, just less detailed.

Ironically, you could have taken the time you took on this to make up your missed work!

DFortun81 14 years, 6 months ago

This is true, but this little side project took about 2 hours to make in its entirety. This is after I spent 3 full days making up late work, I needed some sort of break.

OL 14 years, 6 months ago

This is pretty cool, I should have done something like this for myself for my first two years. Even better, I think the universities themselves should have a system like this online anyway.