Render Samples and Problems

Posted by DFortun81 on Aug. 31, 2010, 2:45 a.m.

Okay so, if you ready my previous blog, I started on a new game project involving AI, UI, and other RPG things. Basically, it'll be an MMORPG of the sorts and I've run into a small dilemma: I've got some really nice looking frame and component rending going on, but it's really really taxing on the FPS. In order to fix this, I made a version using surfaces that update themselves only whenever the component of one of its children changes or needs to be redrawn. This brought the FPS back up to 60 and I was very happy with that, however, using the surfaces made the render look like complete shit!

Above: Original (non-surfaced) Render

Above: Surface Render
[hide=Same Render… but using GM Surfaces and Sir X's Fix.][img][/img]

Above: Surface Render #2[/hide]

As you can see, the top version looks great! I want something like that, but with the FPS of the second image. (1) Is there a way to change the surface settings in GM to not fuck around with the opacity of the image in memory so much or (2) is there a different rendering DLL that you would recommend? I'm totally open to all suggestions at this point, I may even recycle this project into C++ since its still rather early in development.

(3) In that case, anyone recommend a good rendering method and tutorials on that subject if one can't be found?

(4) Oh, by the way, I'm using Game Maker 7. I don't know if they changed or added anything in regards to rendering in GM8, would that also be worth it?


Castypher 14 years, 5 months ago

Eh. I do four versions for outlines (and one more for the actual text). The corners aren't all that noticeable.

If the tooltips had a background and sprite border, I'd have mistaken them for a screenshot. Well done.

Scott_AW 14 years, 5 months ago

So many mmorpgs, can someone make a mini-orpg? Like with maybe a 20-50 character max so your not lost in a sea of douches? Just saying.

DFortun81 14 years, 5 months ago

But it's waaay more fun to admin an MMORPG when you can use the Banhammer more than once an hour!

Scott_AW 14 years, 5 months ago

Well never mind then.