Current Standings

Posted by DFortun81 on Feb. 21, 2011, 12:40 a.m.

Work sucks. I'm slow at it and everyone outperforms or looks down on me. I'm just not cut out for something like manual labor! I was meant to be behind the glare of a computer screen (or two, maybe more in time) and work there all day and night! This setting is where I feel most at home!

Anyways… looking for a real job in my career. My step sister is helping me with all the technical stuff like setting up a professional resume, preparing for interviews, and getting me contacts. (She works in the industry and has a lot of connections.) It'll only be a little while longer before I can put in my two weeks (or better yet, get fired).


I'm sure some of you know that I've been working on a new version of my Battlefield AI simulation and I'm also sure that some of you also know to what lengths I've decided to push it to. I've made great strides in user interface development as well as core engine mechanics. All that needs to be done is execute my plan: An MMORPG. I can't say or boast about much now, but with what I have in mind, the game should be one of my greatest accomplishments of all time. But before I can make the MMO official, I've got to set up the means as to how I'm going to make it possible.

1st Step

Make a version of DIA RPG Builder specifically built for generating content maps and the map of the world. So far, it's about 50% complete. It lacks many key features that will set it above its predecessors: 3D integration as well as Autotile, Line, Rect, Oval, and save support. Although I can assure you that the speed at which everything runs is astounding! 60 / 60 FPS with over a million tiles placed. Surfaces are no longer something that I can't comprehend. It uses a grid and (potentially) a list for each index if a tile at that index exists and sorts the tiles based on their respective tileset's depth settings. Identical depths mean that whatever was placed last takes the topmost tile. The same goes for passage checking: The tile with the highest priority at each respective depth will decide the passage for that index.

I've integrated Lua into both projects, making it possible to export Lua script to the game engine(s). (There are three that will load them: DIA RPG Builder, the Server, and the Client engines.) Of course, DIA RPG Builder will be 100% for the purpose of the new MMO in the works, however, I will have to create a means for teaching new users how to use it. I don't intend to work alone of this project this time.

2nd Step

Gather a following. I need people to want this idea to become reality. Without a founding foot on the ground, it will end up like every other ambitious project I've attempted… a failure. I'm also going to need people to assist me in its creation!

Currently looking for:

- 3D Modelers or people very familiar with DirectX.

- An idea guy. I'm good with coming up with things, but my ideas are always pushing upon themselves. For instance, I was thrilled when I decided that I was going to make the MMO revolve around the Peacekeeper world after the ending of Peacekeeper. The only problem is: Peacekeeper's ending was never shown to the public. It's been stowed away in the vault at the DIA and will not be shown light until the MMO is released. Hell, make that two idea guys. I like fighting with my co-writers; builds character. No pun intended.

- Someone to write the various creature and boss AI. Sure, I've set up a means that can deliver an infinite number of AI characters, I'm just too god damned busy to do it all by myself as I get two days off per week and on those days, friends and relatives always use that time for themselves via me fixing their code or computers. I don't get paid for it either. >.<

- Someone to write substories and tales of lust and power to cater to the environment with which I've given. Peacekeeper's world is pretty large and has a great number of confusingly unique side stories and kingdoms.

- A legal adviser to tell me if using the ideas of a genesis game made back in 1989 is absolutely against copyright and/or other infringements. I'm too lazy to give a damn myself. I mean, World of Warcraft stole Cthulu and all of the Nordic religious figures! (C'Thun, Thorim, Freya, Hodir, Loken, even Yogg'Saron)

- A couple of artists and audio people to assist in the process. I haven't yet decided if I would go full 3D or not. Adding 3D complicates things and of all the things I've tried to do, 3D game implementation has been the most difficult and annoying. 2D stuff for the time being.

- Characters and NPCs to be attributed personalities and dialogue, perhaps some back story. This is an MMO, it is meant to immerse the player into the world, not box them into it.

3rd Step

Beta test basic features. After I get a couple of maps made, I'll need a few volunteers to hop on to the server via the client just to see if they can and to see if we can interact. If so, then I can proceed with the more difficult tasks. [Establish phased zones and instances. I have an idea of how I'm going to do it, but I need to visualize it all in my head first.] Blizzard thinks they were really innovative for incorporating it into their game… Do you think they'd flip if a game made by a "non-professional" had that same feature?

Questions to be answered:

1) Would you prefer a character development process over static classes? Such as, when you create your character, you are stuck to the class you chose until the day you stop playing; e.g. forever, or would you prefer a non-fixed class system where the class of the character can be reverted back to the base class and a mix of character abilities, armor types, and battle stats may be chosen that ultimately determine the class of the character?

Example: A mix of warrior abilities and wizard abilities creates a plate-using spell caster, "The Battle Mage" class. The name of the class is entirely derived by how you arrange your specialization, not something that is static the second you create your character.

My personal opinion: I like the Battle Mage idea. Static is boring.

2) When it really comes down to it, which is more important to you: beating a boss, or getting beat down mercilessly by the boss while admiring the story and reason for fighting them? In World of Warcraft, there are just random things that you kill for free loot. They are easy and farm-able. I don't like this design idea, I want something hardcore and deathly difficult to defeat. If you do manage to beat it, it should be an achievement worth getting the loot for. The World First kill of the bosses I've completed will have a special reward for doing so since they are really hard, even for the AI to beat. I think they've managed to kill the first boss 1 out of 1000 times I've thrown them at him. This was with a stacked team and more than double the number of units allowed for the encounter.

3) If given the opportunity, would you be willing to help me beta test this project? I'm going to write down a list of names for who to contact when its ready. You should also write down which play style you prefer: DPS or Healer. Tanks are really just DPS classes with a bit more defensive abilities and incoming damage reductions. [Potentially a threat modifier, but not all bosses, including all 3 of the bosses that will be tested, have a threat table.]

Thanks for reading, this will be quite an adventure. Just you wait.



Ferret 14 years ago

I'm just not cut out for something like manual labor! I was meant to be behind the glare of a computer screen
I know what you mean, I hate my job too :(

1) Actually, just to throw an idea out there, I've always wanted something that kinda mixed the two ideas. First, you start off with complete freedom to choose the kind of character you want to build, but as you level up you choose abilities that would block out other abilities but would open up similar abilities for the future. That way you can aim for that static class that you want, while customizing it to fit your needs and giving the player control.

2) You got to kill small things too though, don't you? Maybe make it dungeon-like where you have to kill minions in order to reach the boss at the end. This way you aren't fighting the same things in the same place but traveling to an end goal? (You can't stop farming though, people are going to fight old bosses no matter what)

3) I like tanks/healers but if I had to choose one I'd be healer. I'd love to test it out too :D

Ferret 14 years ago

I hate you Cyrus :P

DFortun81 14 years ago

Well yes, there will be dungeons and such with minions that must be killed with the bosses stationed at various positions in the area. However, the enemies that you fight must have a reason to fight you as well as a reason why you must fight them.

sk8m8trix 14 years ago

Manual labor is the best, nobody cares if you smoke weed on the job.