R.I.P. Dark Sirrus Games
Posted by DSG on June 7, 2007, 7:03 p.m.
Somethin' I said alittle bit ago, but I'm back 'cause it's summer!
ALOT OF STUFF TO TALK ABOUT:///ARTIFACT, SOME BAD NEWSIt… got corrupted. I didn't have a back-up. Trust me, I was f*ckin' pissed. So, that's the end of that.///I'M SEXYhttp://64digits.com/users/DarkSirrusGames/Image003.jpg <– Click if you want …[[DSG]] - I swear, I'll finish it...
Posted by DSG on April 3, 2007, 1:18 a.m.
[—|———————————————-] About 08%| ARTIFACT - THEME MUSIC |
I have the theme song done!! Please, download it!http://64digits.com/users/DarkSirrusGames/soundtrack_titleMP3.zip <– LINK| ARTIFACT - INTRO SCREEN |
I thought of how the game will begin. You are fading on your boat and are about to …[[DSG]] - Artifact - Phoenician Architecture In + NEW GIRL
Posted by DSG on March 30, 2007, 6:52 p.m.
Completed: [||————————————————] About 05%
I have successfully implemented the Phoenician architecture. Also, I will even incorporate the Phoenician language, as it will be written all throughout the temple of the Zaratan| ARTIFACT SCREEN |
Practically a whole different game. …[[DSG]] - Artifact Update and Other News + HOT GIRL
Posted by DSG on March 29, 2007, 9:29 p.m.
This note will be the heading of all of my following blogs:WARNING: THIS BLOG MAY CONTAIN ADULT SUBJECT MATTER AND LANGUAGE. IF YOU FEEL YOU MAY BE OFFENDED BY THE CONTENT OF THIS BLOG, PLEASE DO NOT CONTINUE READINGAlso, all of my future blogs will …Artifact - Great News
Posted by DSG on March 28, 2007, 9:37 p.m.
DSG - Artifact UPDATE (and I'm EMO?)
Posted by DSG on March 26, 2007, 2:20 p.m.
Ok, in Artifact, its extremely difficult to maneuver yourself on a track, so i was thinking maybe something like sonic the hedgehog but where you fly and snap onto tracks and such. when you're not on a track, its like a side scroller dodger thing.
current screen:http://64digits.com/users/DarkSirrusGames/artifactenginecompleted.PNG CLICK IT!!! …DSG - Update on Artifact + DOWNLOAD
Posted by DSG on March 24, 2007, 3:14 p.m.
DOWNLOAD A TEST DRIVE OF THE PHYSICS HEREhttp://64digits.com/users/DarkSirrusGames/Artifact_-_The_Castle_of_Wind_ALPHA_BETAv1.0_TEST_DRIVE_EXE.zipCONTROLS:Up=Fly UpLEFT/RIGHT=SpinPlay with the aerodynamics and get a feel for it.DSG - Better than Sketched
Posted by DSG on March 23, 2007, 10:09 p.m.
ITS CALLED ARTIFACT: THE CASTLE OF WINDsee my last sketched WIP?you control not a pencil, but a birdyou place not a line, but a wind currentyou surf not with a pencil, but with a featherfrom there …DSG - I need your help!!
Posted by DSG on March 21, 2007, 9:41 p.m.
when my computer crashed i lost my registration key and can no longer make anything…
So if you would, since I'm broke, please buy me a registration key*****i don't have a card anyway…YES I'M MAKING SKETCHED AND I SWEAR TO YOU I WILL FINISH IT AND RELEASE A …DSG - My computer crashed...
Posted by DSG on March 18, 2007, 3:09 p.m.
i had to restore drive C to its original state. i lost Game Maker, Photoshop, FL Studio 6 & 7, Winamp, Icon Developer, Ace High Live MP3 Recorder, my wireless network software (cant use the internet) and other programs…
Crimson Sky WIPBounty Hunter WIP (see last blog… i had …