DSG Last Blog. Ever Probably

Posted by DSG on Dec. 13, 2006, 12:22 a.m.

DSG Here, I realize that 2D Game Design was a strong start and a great ability under my belt, but more and more I have been secretly working in 3D almost all the time. I barely ever use GM anymore, and I'm moving on up to programs such as DarkBASIC and 3D Canvas Pro 6. I want to try my hand at professional 3D. Gamemaker cannot offer this to me. I have to start from scratch as far as knowledge of a program, and It is always hard starting out, but in the long run, i have greater ability going this route.

I have ideas for 3D Games

Also, I will have a big list of downloadable WIPs here pretty soon.

Games such as one called Indigo Skies and Project Blood


Imagine SKETCHED in 3D…


as for the current 2D game, that will probably be finished… hopefully.

See ya later.

PS i got the Wii, i dont like the interface. Its nerdy, and childish. But, it was a gift, and i feel bad about it. BUT IF I GET METROID PRIME 3 IT AUGHT TO BE WORTH IT.

would it really have been so much trouble for nintendo to make it as powerful as other systems? atleast then it would have a fighting chance with everyone else.

I swear, Nintendo doesnt seem to look where they are headed.


RetroVortex 18 years, 2 months ago

But maybe nintendo are looking ahead…

Think about it. With consoles getting more powerful, they are also getting more pricey, which I believe will discourage mainstream gamers, and completely put off people who are considering to purchase a games console. Also you have to think of a younger generation. The more expensive the console, the less encourage parents will be to buy this for their child.

Plus, maybe their aiming for the wii to be more programmable, or something, encouraging the programmers of tommorrow.

gmjab 18 years, 2 months ago

I read a review which said the Nintendo Wii's graphics where the equivalent of the PS2, and PS3 and Xbox 360 have the same graphics quality, but PS3 is for more hard core gamers.

About you leaving GM, I understand how it limitations do put you off making the game of your dreams, You could try a 3D engine like Blitz 3D. But I still would use GM time to time even though I you are moving on.

mrmediocrity 18 years, 2 months ago

Err, the GameCube was generally considered to have superior graphics over the PS2 and I can't see the Wii being worse then the GC.

Cesar 18 years, 2 months ago

the PS2 had the worst graphics, the reason the graphics were "better" sometimes was because the disk size allowed more graphics but less game.

The wii has Xbox graphics, and if you download the update, DSG, you'll find that the interphase is much, much better looking.

deepermeaning 18 years, 2 months ago

Sketched in 3D… are you SURE you've thought that concept all the way through?

HeroofTime55 18 years, 2 months ago

Er… Wii is going to dominate the market. I don't know where you've been. The only console that stands even a remote chance is XBox 360. You see, fine graphics are nice and all when you're not paying $600+ for them! Most of who bought the system in stores just turned arround and sold it on eBay, anyway. It's a disaster for Sony.

Nintendo isn't looking at the small category we would define as "gamers." They're looking at everybody. And that's probably the biggest reason they will dominate the market.

But, if you're a graphics whore, go on and buy a PS3. Because it's the ideal system for anyone who wants to waste thousands of dollars on pretty pictures.

OL 18 years, 2 months ago

Put it this way, I'd buy a PS3 soley for MGS4.

gmjab 18 years, 2 months ago

mrmediocrity - Well if you've got a complaint about the review you can take it up withe the PC World Magazine.(LOL) There are also heaps of stuff the Wii doesn't have that the PS3 and Xbox 360 does.Wii if for n00bs - thats been said tons. Xbox 360 - Is for average gamers, PS3 - For total hardcore gamers.

Kenon 18 years, 2 months ago

A agree with Deepermeaning. Sketched will be very awkward if done in 3d. But Still, All of us will probably one day leave game maker.

mrmediocrity 18 years, 2 months ago

Why would I waste my time complaining to a magazine that I don't even read? Not to mention I wasn't even complaining. Also, if you take a look at games that appear on both the PS2 and the GC, you'll find that the GC port usaully has 'crisper' graphics. Take Killer7 for example and you'll see what I mean.

And classing the consoles like that is ridiculous. I know plenty of people who own a PS3 but wouldn't know the meaning of FPS. And Wii has stuff that the PS3 and Xbox360 don't. They are all unique and appeal to different audiences but these audiences aren't simply 'n00bs', 'average' or 'hardcore' gamers. Finally, I'm not bias towards Nintendo. If I purchased any of the new consoles, it'd be the Xbox360.