[ Crimson Sky ]
–progress:*1% at best–story:*simple. You lead a team to go to a planet that scientists recently discover has life and an environment that humankind may be able to treat. You are told life exists, possibly sentient life, you go there and become standed and in a hell of alot of danger.–monster draftboard:*psyclops (these black eyeballs w/insect legs and antennae)*freaks (disturbing scary faceless creatures that are one of the more evolved creatures on the planet)*blue slugs (blue slugs as big as a man maybe 6 feet long)*clams (giant clam-like creatures)*gunk (rapidly growing fungus like substance, engulfs and desolves anything that touches it)*feathers(insects resemboling feathers… harmless)*swarmers (like flying roaches, but bigger and angry)*firebugs (combustable creatures)*fairies (glowing insects, look beautiful but dangerous)–screens:*INfo on Crimson Sky and 6 Screens
Posted by DSG on Dec. 23, 2006, 8:01 p.m.
Damn…. Looks great, except your perspective has major issues (the ceilings are good examples). Your dialogue construction also needs some work.
@melee: i understand the perspective is off. its better there then not tho, its there so i can show a more 3d feel AND not have any blind spots. as for the dialog boxes, have any suggestions?

I don't know… the perspective seems to detract from the game a little. The door in comparison to the stairs looks very strange. Overall, though, the game looks beautiful.#DSG: No, I mean the actual conversation between the two dudes. The part where it says "You do realize what is going on don't you?" seems much too sudden.
Did you actually make those graphics yourself? o_O
You do realise there is already a game called "crimson skies"?
He makes his own graphics. It's intense.
And yes, he realizes there's a game called Crimson Skies. He mentioned in a previous blog that he googles all his game titles first. (Something I do, too…)*hate*
Holy Crap, even with the glare coming off of my 8 year old iMac's CRT monitor, those still look profession.
I can't wait for the WIP!Looks great.