Crimson Sky - Radical Changes

Posted by DSG on Dec. 24, 2006, 8:32 p.m.

i'm editing a ton of the sprites and tiles… giving it a more, isometric look… but you can still only go left and right… jump and duck and stuff.

this will fix the perspective issues YOU keep bringing up… and its causing drawing troubles for me, too


*(0.5%) im set back… due to the graphics i have to remake


*Zombie Soldier (boss) - You bring a team but when you getr there they disappear and one gets killed by creatures living there

*Swallower (boss) - is actually a level, its a giant living moss like substance that lives in a cave… you have to find its brain and destry it, and it can produce offspring that will attack you… its cool

*Worm - a thing that hides underground, and when your ontop of it it attacks and swallows you, you have to shoot yourself out…

*juggernauts - hard-shelled insects that ram you and stuff

*Squids - they are like land-crawling squids with a thick shell protecting its body


*Uzi SMG

*Gatling Gun

*Advanced Shotgun


*LN Array Gun (Liquid Nitrogen Gun)

*Splinter MAG (A Railgun, or MAGNETIC ACCELERATION GUN that fires sand grain sized metallic particles)

*ASX Slugger (Advanced Shotgun… tripple barrel delay fire)

*Propeller Gun (fires ultra thin double-sided knives)

*Saw (like a chainsaw but alot more powerful)

*Laser (only you cant really see the shot, it just produces massive heat where you aim)

*Cookie Cutter (fires hollow bullets, like an inch of tube, the walls sharpened razor sharp at the tip, thickened and engraved in tha back so it spins)


tylerthemiler 18 years, 2 months ago

Graphics look amazing. And I like chainsaws…a lot…

Cesar 18 years, 2 months ago

Quote: MrPacman
Don't you mean Electric Saw
Quote: your blog
Saw (like a chainsaw but alot more powerful)

you can't just have a saw, what if it's a hacksaw??

DSG 18 years, 2 months ago


elmernite 18 years, 2 months ago

I don't think you should change the graphics. The LN Array Gun sounds fun!


DarkSoulcalibur 18 years, 2 months ago

weh weh waaah