Crimson Sky - wtf?

Posted by DSG on Feb. 2, 2007, 10:16 p.m.

Oh god it lags SO BAD i can hardly work on it and fixing the problem means eliminating what makes it good!!

so temperarily ive moved to another project

no im not telling

it WILL be finished

it WILL be copyrighted

it WILL be sold for $4.99

hint: i got a previous attempt verson of it already on the site. but it is completely different now.

lookie that. 11866 hits… wierd number…


i havnt posted in a while so yeah… i have a life you know. and i need a professional site so who can do php?? u get something in return…. we can negotiate k?

in other news, ive persued music too

freinds idea


OL 18 years, 1 month ago

If you mean IPN, not nessecarly.

AthamX 18 years, 1 month ago

I think this has been mentioned, but Crimson Skies is the name of a 3D combat flight game from Microsoft

Maxcore 18 years, 1 month ago

Well DSG says that about all his games but he never does ;) Im excited for the new one though.

tylerthemiler 18 years, 1 month ago

Quote: flying-hippo
I think this has been mentioned, but Crimson Skies is the name of a 3D combat flight game from Microsoft
But this was called crimson sky.

Lethal 18 years ago

Crimson Sky was so amazingly crafted. I am sad to see it leave…