Some good news, and some bad news.

Posted by DSG on Feb. 6, 2006, 4:55 p.m.

Hello my loyal fans!

Firstly, i have some good news and some bad news.


I've started STARBURST ZERO: a new Starburst game thats more advanced than my WIP, Starburst Dark Fusion <a href="">(MORE INFORMATION)</a>. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the game, basically its a fusion of the classic Breakout and Pinball, with tons of other stuff.


Im no longer working on Invasion 2 but hopefully ill start working on it after Starburst Zero.

Secondly, The reason why ive stopped working on Invasion 2 is because i need a good boss idea, and i dont have one. IF YOU HAVE A GOOD IDEA FOR A BOSS, (first play invasion 1 so you know what im looking for) POST IT HERE.


melee-master 19 years ago

The only game I've played of yours was Cyclone (and quite recently too), and it was pretty interesting, although I forgot to leave a comment… So I could say I should try your others.

melee-master 19 years ago

(PS, the only reason I come to your blog is to see your insane banner)


DSG 19 years ago

i told u y i stopped it

actually i paused it

chicklet 19 years ago

shmer mer… sorry, no suggestions, and hurra for new projects:)