yeah take it all in
cool huh??
oh and you would'nt believe how good those flames look animated =]
Alright, this is cool… ive been dreamin about makin this game for a long time… You're a bounty hunter tracking down the biggest names for lots of cash. You get your tips from the bar tender at a local restaraunt called Jasmine's… this game is set in the distant future in a city with a harsh, dark, corrupt, and industrial atmosphere… You are basically an ememy of the police and of the bounty so you have very few freinds… the government is corrupt and becoming a dictatorship. Thats all i got so far…
If you have suggestions, shoot.
[EDIT:] his boots look familiar?? hey those graphics from Crimson Sky aint gonna just go to waste
oh, and new banner =]
alright guys… later. oh i got a new site too.
www.darksirrusproductions.64digits.comk bye
What ever happened to what was it, Nightmare factory?
Very nice.
Um, I don't see any iso in that pic. But it's nice.