Completed: [||————————————————] About 05%
I have successfully implemented the Phoenician architecture. Also, I will even incorporate the Phoenician language, as it will be written all throughout the temple of the Zaratan| ARTIFACT SCREEN |
Practically a whole different game. The Zaratan's Temple is immense… I will be sure to make it as complicated as possible. The temple will be one big labyrinth with hidden areas, secret levels, and yes, even enemies.Many creatures inhabit the temple, some of which are harmless and small, and others are violent and easily set off. Also, a few others i will keep secret.| RANDOM GIRL |

Hey, love how you implemented the sprites from Crimson Sky. The foliage still looks as amazing. I hope the fire looks cool in motion, very nice work. Great gfx adn reflections. I would like the buildings to be a bit more, uuh, fun. Maybe make vines and ivy growing up the walls, I mean plants are already surrounding it. Maybe day/night cycles and dynamic music (see ViBe: Sky Raider). Amazing work though.
thanks, i really do appreciate advice… vines? i like that idea… Yeah, i thought the buildings looked alittle bland too… OOH i know! cracks and stuff! shadows and discolorations
Yeah!By vines I mean like this.
cool! i already got vines now but their like wire, they dont have leaves… i'll add them
Cool, check your PM box. Also for the creatures in the temple, remember the sprites from Crimson Sky still look great. Did they all get wiped away! Id be so sad.
On closer inspection she is somewhat ugly.
New pic=better
@ghg: u'd bang her if u had the chance… unless your into men… not that there's a problem with that