In GM, i need to know a few things
1 - you know how u can make a variable right? well, how do you make a global variable that is known to all objects (and not something like OBobject.variable) but something that doesnt need an object to exist or doesnt change or disappear when u switch from rooms? (example score, health, etc)2 - Is there a way to change the game ID in the game? (so i can have different high scores tables, like 1 for the main game, maybe a different set of scores for different mini games, maybe one for battle mode or something)3 - how do u tell game maker to open something from a directory? like in the game?
add the global to the variable and it'll be accesible by everybopdy in any room.2.- You can't change it on the fly of course, but in the game options you can.3.- Well, depends, you can use any of the open things functions and there you can specify the full path starting from the drive (eg.g C:/WINDOWS/System32/help.dll)
2.No.3.Maybe get_open_filename()Example-file=get_open_filename("MP3|*.mp3|JPG|*.jpg","")That will let the user choose from any mp3 or jpg, dont knwo how to make it look in a certain directory though.And why did you need an expert? =PManual is your best friend.
OK now i need to know what the file extention is for a save file (i cant find it! is it .dll or .txt ? )
nevermind i just first saved the game file as savegame.sbz and used that as the filter and it worked
lol, why can't you just use game_load()?
thanx kaz i already figured that out
yeah i use .tzc for my files, i think it gives your games an originality if you use your own file extensions.
how can you make such amazing games and not know what a global variable is?