Somethin' I said alittle bit ago, but I'm back 'cause it's summer!
ALOT OF STUFF TO TALK ABOUT:///ARTIFACT, SOME BAD NEWSIt… got corrupted. I didn't have a back-up. Trust me, I was f*ckin' pissed. So, that's the end of that.///I'M SEXY <– Click if you want to see me.) Appearently I am 'cause alot of seriously cute girls are showing interest into me and it's been awesome!///AWESOME NEW PROJECT: ALCATRAZ (WORKING TITLE)R.I.P. Dark Sirrus Games
Posted by DSG on June 7, 2007, 7:03 p.m.
Are crashes just excuses for dropping projects? :P
Anyway, welcome back my dear emo.DSG: Yes, I have seen lots of emos, and you don't look just like them, but something similar :D Actually I consider me as a some kind of emo too; I am very emotional, and I listen to music what is considered as emo music. But if you think about it, every music (except shitty MTV-pop) has some emotional value. So in my opinion, emo is not a music genre at all.
But well, saying someone is emo means different things in different countries. That is for sure. I didn't mean to be rude, just joking ;)Great work, I'm liking the music too. How did you get the Darleks in your band? EX-TER-MIN-ATE!
Thanks to the terrible contrast on this shitty school monitor from 1999, that screenshot shows up as a black rectangle with some white text and a little green splotch. I'll have to check it on my nice LCD monitor when I get home. =P
pagestretch =O
Anyways, I added you on myspace. I can't load your music because of dialup, but I'll check it when my internets acts less retarded.Your music sounds very professional, but I don't like that genre.
Oh and that sucks for Artifact. Don't you have any .gb1-files left?have you ever seen an emo… hmm
here's a llamathere's a llamaand another little llamafuzzy llamafunny llamallama llamaduckllama llamacheesecakellamatabletbrickpotatollamallama llamamushroomllamallama llamaducki was once a treehousei lived in a cakebut i never saw the waythe orange slayed the rakei was only three years deadbut it told a taleand now listen, little childto the safety raildid you ever see a llamakiss a llamaon the llamallama's llamatastes of llamallama llamaduckhalf a llamatwice the llamanot a llamafarmerllamallama in a caralarm a llamallamaduckis THIS how it's told now?is it all so old?is it made of lemon juice?doorknobanklecoldnow my song is getting thini've run out of lucktime for me to retire nowand become a ducktook a while to remember stuff and write down! =Dwhat were we talking about again??WTF@MrPacman