<b>Dark Blog V</b>

Posted by DSG on March 6, 2006, 8:39 p.m.


<b><big><big><big>DARK BLOG V</big></big></big></b>


ALRIGHT! alot of interesting stuff goin on….

6th GRADE GIRLS - appearently i have a date w/a girl in 6th grade (im in tenth) …uhm eh ill tell u. i was just at kings (king soopers, grocery place) and these younger girls r like "we think your hot" then giggle "will you go out w/my freind???" i was like sure w/e kinda sarcastic, right? well, she didnt seem 2 get it. she was like OMG REALLY!!?? come here 2marrow!!! i was like… yeah not gonna happen, your alittle too young 4 me… she seemed to be serious. i hope not lol dont want 2 brake her poor little heart lmao

PHOTOSHOP - yup. downloading as we speak. no, i havnt used it b4 so this will b fun. like my banner? nope didnt use photoshop. CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT I CAN DO IN PS!!!

SCHOOL - sux. i dont have the best grades but thats gonna change. yup. i need 2 get in2 collage and get a degree in computer science. although, if i want 2 b a game designer i dont need collage, just skill. and i think i have that covered. hmmm…. yeah mayb an entrepeneur is my future career lol

MODS - We need a damn set of rules… in text. like a constitution. that would be cool.

MUSIC - Mudvayne is awesome and so is this band i recently got into called Prong. VERY good but not good singing. right now, im listening to Shadows Fall - The Light That Blinds

FAN MAIL - love it lol i get it like once a week now… so email me lol darksirrusgaming@hotmail.com

SEX - sick… mom and dad…. branded in my mind DAMNIT GO AWAY…. EHH DAMN!!!

LUDAMAD - Badge please

Eh, the end, bitches


SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 12 months ago

meh, pedophilia, what are you gonna do, right?

drspazz 18 years, 12 months ago

Game design or programming? There's quite a difference.

Alpha Man 18 years, 12 months ago

Please, don't abbreviate…hurts my eyes >.<

GAH! My dog is outside barking her head off and its like 10….

Please do not COPY MEZ. :D

Alpha Man 18 years, 12 months ago

Or, if you have XP, just use Windows Messenger.

So THATS what that little icon was for… here it is, never doing anything but sitting in that bar in the bottom right of the screen, and I never use it!?

poultry 18 years, 12 months ago


ur a child molester!!

melee-master 18 years, 12 months ago


So THATS what that little icon was for… here it is, never doing anything but sitting in that bar in the bottom right of the screen, and I never use it!?

Yeah, XD. MSN Messenger 7.5 is much, much better than it however. Get a hotmail account and start using i t, and then we can talk. =D

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 12 months ago

Damn it. I'm still not interested. So this isn't a true NameBlog.


Good enough, i suppose. AH man. I'm not good enough to be a Favourite User… Hahaha.

Good for you. But a lot of this doesn't have to do with 64D.

Yeah, Constitution sounds cool.