DSG comin at 'cha from WEST VIRGINIA

Posted by DSG on March 27, 2006, 7:59 p.m.

so many fat people, no technology, im suprised theres even ANY internet access around (im on dial-up … god kill me now!!!) damn dial up. this is my dads computer, 2 itsa laptop and the mouse is CRAZY ANNOYING!!! well, i cant use GM (not registered on here, and NOT ENOUGH PROCESSING POWER)

well, 7 more days in hell…



im in my dead great-grandma's house…. smells like old people and dust

…working on a new starburst game (cancelled the last… ADD but i have better ideas now so i fugured id start over… ove made like 10 different starburst games, posted 2 here Starburst Zero and Dark Fusion)

LATER, IT SUX HERE… some spring break


WV is the poorest state in the US… nothin but coal miners and hill-billies… and alot of fattys… seriously, i counted 15 obese people in the first 10 minutes THATS 1 FAT-ASS EVERY 40 SECONDS!

pity me… im in hell

no cute girls here

cheers, later


Maxcore 18 years, 9 months ago

Yea… it makes all the difference.

DSG 18 years, 9 months ago

fine, w/e but it is statistically the poorest state income wise.

DSG 18 years, 9 months ago

haha i got warned lol but seriously, where i am, its rare o see a skinny person… they actually standout. all i can say is im very close to charston

melee-master 18 years, 9 months ago

Yeah. I warned both of you for overusing profanity, and for insults, which results in a level two warn for you both. But today I decided to drop it down to one, and it will likely be removed tommorow. =)

Just remember that I can ban members from certain privileges as well.