Posted by DSG on Dec. 17, 2007, 7:38 p.m.

I've decided to turn Black Star Horizon into an entirely different game, with a huge graphics upgrade. But, in order to do that, I simply started over.

So what game is it going to be?

Ladie and Gents, I give you:

—C-H-A-O-S— —B-L-A-C-K—


Dr. Feratu, a sergeon of the Archopolis Hospital, is collapsed on the floor in his home, overwhelmed with sorrow. His daughter ran away 6 days ago. Accepting the grim realization that he may never see his daughter again, Dr. Feratu visits a local bar and drowns his sorrows in alcohol. At the bar, Feratu overhears a story told by one of the patrons at the bar of a scared little girl seen at the abandoned Gothens Prison for the Criminally Insane. After hearing about this, Dr. Feratu stumbled outside to his car and headed towards the Gothens Asylum with a desperate hope of finding his daughter. Intoxicated, with tears running down his face, Dr. Feratu speeds down a dark narrow road leading to the gates of the Gothens Asylum when he sees a child in the middle of the road staring directly at him with dead eyes. Praying it was his daughter and with fear of hitting her, he violently turns the wheel and slams on the breaks to avoid hitting her. In the blink of an eye, Dr. Feratu looses control of the car and flips the vehicle several times, losing consciousness.

Dr. Feratu later awakes to the little girl poking at him and whispering unknown words to him. He’s in what appears to be a hospital room. But something is wrong. The lights are out. The floor is dirty and the walls are covered in mold. The little girl stared at Feratu. Coming to reality, Dr. Feratu notices the girl is not his daughter. Feratu somehow knows from the girls whispers that her name is Amy. After Feratu asked Amy of his daughter, she began to cry… and then ran out of the room.

Dr. Feratu got onto his feet, and soon determined that he was inside the Asylum. He felt sick. but that isn't all he felt. there was something in the air. something… evil.



Dr. Feratu is the protagonist of the story.

— AMY —

Amy is a little girl, who saves Dr. Feratu in the beginning of the game. Dr. Feratu will encounter her throughout the game. As Dr. Feratu will soon realize, Amy is quite unpredictable, making her untrustworthy and ultimately an enemy.


Mother is supposedly Amy’s mother. She will do anything to protect Amy, whether she is in danger or not.


Dr. Ghost is appearently the ghost of one of the psycologists of the Prison, who has been corrupted by the evil.

— BOAR —

The demonized soul of the kitchen cook of the prison. One of the bosses of the game.


Dr. Feratu’s daughter. She’s trapped by the evil.


The Gothen Asylum is literally corrupted by pure evil encarnate. The collective evil is simply referred to as the evil. The evil can manifest itself in various forms, and acts as a single identity. However, there are multiple entities in the asylum. Some spawned directly out of the evil, and some are corrupted souls of once earthly people.


One of many other corrupted souls that once resided at the asylum that have been devoured by the evil.



V 17 years, 2 months ago

Get a game to stick with and FINISH IT, DAMNIT. T_T

OBELISK 17 years, 2 months ago

Both of you.

Cesar 17 years, 2 months ago

All 3 of you

DSG 17 years, 2 months ago

i AM sticking with a game! this is black star horizon DIDNT YOU READ IT!?

s 17 years, 2 months ago

I simply started over

F1u 17 years, 2 months ago

Isn't "chaos black" like a fake pokemon game? I'm pretty sure it is…

DSG 17 years, 2 months ago


F1u 17 years, 2 months ago

I'm just saying.

DSG 17 years, 2 months ago

i saw that. but i doubt using that name is copyright infringement. THEY'RE the ones infringing pokemon right?

F1u 17 years, 2 months ago

Yah prolly. Plus i'm guessing your not gunna make money off the game, so i don't see a problem. I could be wrong tho.